Piksi Multi Buildroot

Build Status

Buildroot configuration for building the Piksi Multi Linux system image.

Fetching firmware images

To build a production system image, the build process expects the following firmware and FPGA images to be present:


You can use the following script to download these images from S3. Note that this script requires awscli to be installed and AWS credentials to be properly configured.


Check fetch-firmware.sh to see which image versions are being used.

Note, these firmware files are only used by the production system image. In the development system image these files are instead read from the network or SD card.


Linux Native

Ensure you have the dependencies, see Dockerfile for build dependencies.



Mac OS X

Native OS X builds are not supported by Buildroot. Install Docker for Mac and then follow the directions for installing with Docker.


Builds in a Linux container.

docker build -t piksi-buildroot .

To see the build output, tail the log file from inside Docker. First find the container ID by running:

docker ps

Then tail the log (replace 1a77fcce79ed with your container ID):

docker exec -i -t 1a77fcce79ed tail -f /app/build.out

To copy the built images out of the Docker container:

mkdir -p buildroot/output
export CONTAINER=`docker create piksi-buildroot`
docker cp $CONTAINER:/app/buildroot/output/images buildroot/output

The buildroot images will now be in the buildroot/output/images folder.