This project was done as part of the Google Nanodegree scholarship. The app presents users with movies from TMDb Api. Users can sort movies by popularity as well as ratings
The movies database api is used to fetch movies. An api key is required before fetching movies. The api key can be obtained by creating an account at TMDb Api and then requesting for a key.
The project is done in accordance with the official Android app design. Data is obtained through a data repository class. Viewmodel class holds data and logic while UI's main job is to display data and to interact with the user
Images are loaded using Picasso library
Retrofit is used to make network calls to the api
This library is used to load data in the background for a much better user experience. Data pagination is achieved using this library
A settings fragment is implemented to provide the two settings required: sorting movies by movie ratings and sorting by movie popularity
An apk file is provided. you can install the app and see its features
This project will be updated in the near future as part of the 2nd project in the nanodegree