📢 Obsidian web clipper that save web contents directly to your local vault.
📌 Why you should consider this:
✪ Save web contents directly to obsidian's vault
✪ Clip web contents into markdown format
✪ Capture screenshot and insert into vault in two click.
✪ Insert image into your obsidian's vault
✪ Insert current tab or all tabs' articles
✪ Drag-n-drop images and selected text
✪ Zero config and no separate obsidian plugins required
✪ No signup required
✪ dark mode
✪ Free and Open source:https://github.com/anilkumarum/mark-clipper
📌 == FEATURES ==
✅ Save content directly to obsidian's vault
Give file permission and your work is done.
Extension convert web content into markdown format and
directly insert formatted web contents into your vault
✅ Save images with correct file path
This extension insert image file into your vault
and add correct image path as markdown link in selected notes
✅ Zero config
No separate obsidian plugins required
♻️ Permissions
sidePanel:Show side pane
activeTab:Required to read current tab's title and url
scripting:Inject screenshot and markdown converter tools
storage:Save extension configurations
contextMenu:Add context menu on images
⌨️ Keyboard shortcuts
: Open extension's popup window
: Capture screenshot
: Insert frontmatter (need focus on notes or panel)
Never close or reload permission page chrome://mcbhalpamcihagflkpllacdcfmmnjemn/permission/index.html
ℹ️ Support
Please report issues on github issues
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