Project is intended to bring handy tools to make use of the Circle CI a bit more pleasant.
The big difference of Circle CI from Travis is the lack of Matrix builds support. This sometimes is really painful because the circle.yml
becomes clumsy and hard to read. Just creating a matrix based on some environment variables turns into if-bashery
with $CIRCLE_NODE_INDEX checks, readability degrades almost to zero.
circle-matrix is a helper which can be used to create one-dimensional environment matrices using travis like syntax. For example:
- sudo -H pip install --upgrade pip
- sudo -H pip install circleci-helpers
- ? |
circle-matrix <<"EHD"
- VERSION=centos6
- VERSION=centos7
- VERSION=fedora22
- VERSION=fedora23
- env | sort
- cd "$VERSION"
- export image="$IMAGE:$VERSION"
- test "$(head -n1 Dockerfile)" = "FROM $image-scm"
&& test "$(head -n1 scm/Dockerfile)" = "FROM $image-curl"
&& [[ "$(head -n1 curl/Dockerfile)" == 'FROM centos:'*
|| "$(head -n1 curl/Dockerfile)" == 'FROM fedora:'* ]]
- docker build -t "$image-curl" curl
- docker build -t "$image-scm" scm
- docker build -t "$image" .
- ~/official-images/test/ "$image"
- docker images
parallel: true
So as much as above. It's also worth saying that circle-matrix reads circle-matrix.yml if it presents, otherwise falls back to reading from STDIN. For information how to specify another configuration file please check help (circle-matrix --help
Matrix runs are automatically distributed between available number of Circle CI nodes ($CIRCLE_NODE_TOTAL). However please don't forget to use the above syntax for the test section (parallel: true
) if you are using circle-matrix in this section (the only one which is executed sequentially).
It's purely environment variables matrix and it's one-dimensional. It can't be used as travis multi-dimensional matrices for example env and python grouped together. It supports travis like execution and the following configuration subset:
Script batches (in execution order):
- before_script
- script
- after_success | after_failure
- after_script
- env - environment list of matrix variables.
- matrix.allow_failures - list of env mappings (
env: FOO=foo BAR=bar
Licensed under MIT (
- Author:: Denis Baryshev (