
The Bug Detective

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

The Bug Detective

A BDD / Testing framework with pure Groovy DSL, running in a Spark cluster, advanced reporting and clearly define the boundary between BA Tester / developer

Visit Our Documentation Page

We have release our 1.0.0 on Maven central repository.



  • A DSL with pure groovy, no additional compile process required
  • Make more sense as ProjectManager/BA/Testers able to write story or scenarios by theirselves
  • Armed to simplify the integration, user acceptance and pressure test
  • Armed to run the tests in development / test / live environment with 24*7
  • Built in parallel support (Both in local and spark cluster)
  • Support datatables and built in parallel on it
  • Real-time reporting so that you know your web site is servicing what they should always do
  • Performance comparison between your old (pressure) and new tests
  • Able to wrapper into your junit (or *unit) test

Able to support all platform as

  • A DSL which fade out the language barrier
  • Built in Tasks should able to support different languages, for example WebDriver tasks
  • Extend task system via dynamic languages for example Groovy, Scala, Ruby, JS, etc...
  • Able to run in all major platforms, testing in Linux, Mac and Windows

Clearly define the test tasks tester and developer need do. Easy for tester to use, easy for developer to extend.

A Task: Developer defined how to perform a test, for example login can be a task, it ask tester supply username and password and return if it's successful or not. A Scenario: Tester define the input data and expected output data along with A Task, for example a scenario "login should sucess with correct username and password" will use "login" task defined by developer but test define the input data. A Story or Feature: Combination of scenarios, defined by Testers, for example

  • "login should sucess with correct username password"
  • "login should fail with correct username but wrong password"
  • "login should blocked if user tried 5 times with wrong username or password"

The system need:

Extensible: Developers should easy to extend the test task Easy: Testers should easy to understand how to build a story/feature (which is combination of tasks)

  • Task need drive by document
  • Create Document for all tasks automatically (TODO)


  • The test stories / features
  • Input Test Data
  • Expected Output Data


Define the task

  • define the input data
  • define output data
  • verify output data if possible

The Detective

Provider a communication channel that PM/BA/Testers create a story. A story contains scenarios and expected output. Schedule and run the steps parallel


Config (for example YAML) or Groovy DSL?

  • if config changed by tester, how developers know?
  • we can make a config runnable
  • DSL got ide support, you can put break point, you can even write your code, very powerful
  • So far we choose DSL but with config support

What's the story looks like

static import StockTaskFactory.*

story() "Returns go to stock" {
  inOrderTo "keep track of stock"
  asa "store owner"
  iwantto "add items back to stock when they're returned"
  sothat "..."
  scenario_refund "Refunded items should be returned to stock" {
    given "a customer previously bought a black sweater from me" {
    	runtask setupStockData()  
    given "I currently have three black sweaters left in stock" {
      sweater.black = 3
      sweater.blue = 0
    when "he returns the sweater for a refund" {
      sweater.refund.black = 1
      runtask stockManagerTask()
    then "I should have four black sweaters in stock"{
      sweater.refund.black << 1
      sweater.black << 4


  • Built in chaos monkey for running tests
  • Web UI for write stories
  • Parallel
  • (Cloud) runner
  • Hamcrest matchers
  • DDD
  • BDD
  • Docker support
  • Web Security Test
  • Web UI for write tasks
  • Global Distributed Cloud Runner
  • Junit integration
  • Closure support for task






Q. Q1?

A. A1

Developer's Guide

What's the task looks like

  • Input Data
  • Do the real job (post the data and get return)
  • Verify the data if possible
  • Return the data to tester

login {in -> def result = httpPost({ in.url = "${domain}/login_check" }); assert result.statusCode == 200; return result; }


//advances in parallelization and cloud runner infrastructure


Great Other Framworks:

Spock (http://docs.spockframework.org/)


To release, please run mvn clean deploy -Dgpg.passphrase=yourpass