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1.1 Python Compact Coding
Name Comment
Return if.. else return val if i>0 else 0
Multiple assignment l, r = 2, 3
Assign with check of none a = b if b else 1
Assignments l[1]=l[0]=0
Swap values left, right = right, left
List Comprehensions [x*x for x in range(1, 1001)]
List Comprehensions l = [2, 3, 5]; [2*x for x in l if x>2]
Use zip for a, b in zip(nums, nums[3:])
Build a list dp = [1] + [0]*3
Change interger to string in binary bin(num)
, f'{num:b}'
, "{0:b}".format(num)
Sum a subarray sum(nums[0:k])
Sort list in descending order sorted(nums, reverse=True)
Dictionary with defaults m = collections.defaultdict(lambda: 1)
Loop with single statement while p.left: p = p.left
Print multiple values print(x, y)
Get both index and item for i, ch in enumerate(["a", "b", "c"]): print(i, ch)
Mod negative (-2)%5
Compare values if 0<=i<n and 0<=j<m and grid[i][j]
if … return if k == 0: return False
if… continue if index == icol: continue
List comprehensive areas = [dfs(i, j) for i in range(m) for j in range(n) if grid[i][j]]
Python assertion assert [1,2]==[1,2]
1.2 Python Advanced: Concepts & Internals
Name Comment
Create a fixed size array [None]*5
Create a fixed size matrix/2D array [[sys.maxsize for j in range(2)] for i in range(3)]
Flatten 2D array into 1D array [a for r in matrix for a in r]
Iterate over a list for v in l:
Iterate over a list with index+val for i, v in enumerate(l):
zip two lists as one l = sorted(zip(nums, range(len(nums))))
Convert int array to a string ' '.join([str(v) for v in [1, 2,3,4]])
Extact columns from multi-dimensional array [row[1] for row in l]
Sort in descending l=sorted([8, 2, 5], reverse=True)
Sort list by a lambda key l=sorted([(‘ebb’,12),(‘abc’,14)], key=lambda x: x[1])
Sort list by a function sorted(logs, key=getKey), LeetCode: Reorder Data in Log Files
In-place sort l.sort()
Find the index of one item [1,2,5,3].index(2)
Return all but last list[:-1]
The second last item list[-2]
or list[~1]
Generate a-z map(chr, range(ord('a'), ord('z')+1))
Convert from ascii to character chr(ord('a'))
Reverse a list ["ab", "cd", "ef"][::-1]
map map(lambda x: str(x), [1, 2, 3])
Copy a range to another range nums1[:k+1] = nums2[:j+1]
append an element array.append(var)
insert elements to head array.insert(0,var)
delete element by index del a[1]
list as stack item = l.pop()
map/reduce functools.reduce((lambda x, y: "%s %s" % (x, y)), l)
replace ith to jth list[i:j] = otherlist
combine two list list1 + list2
get sum sum(list)
unique list set(["Blah", "foo", "foo", 1, 1, 2, 3])
Insert to sorted list bisect.insort(l, 3)
Reverse a list l[::-1]
Print zip array print(list(zip(l1, l2)))
Reference Link: Lists and Tuples in Python
Name Comment
Reverse string ‘hello world’[::-1]
Array to string ’ ‘.join([‘a’, ‘b’])
Integer array to string ’ ‘.join([str(v) for v in [1, 2, 3]])
Split string to array “hello, python”.split(“,”)
String to array list('abc')
Format to 2 digits print "%02d" % (13)
Capitalize string ‘hello world’.capitalize()
Upper/lower string ‘aBc’.upper(), ‘aBc’.lower()
Check if string represent integer ‘123’.isdigit()
Check if string alphabetic ‘aBc’.isalpha()
Check if string alphanumeric ‘a1b’.isalnum()
Count substring ‘2-5g-3-J’.count(‘-‘)
Remove tailing ‘0’ ‘0023’.rstrip(‘0’)
Remove leading ‘0’ ‘0023’.lstrip(‘0’)
Trip a string ’ Hello ‘.strip()
Find location of substring ‘abc’.find(‘d’)= (returns -1)
Find location of substring ‘abc’.index(‘d’)= (raise exception)
Check whether substring “el” in “hello world”
Replace string ‘ab cd’.replace(’',
Padding leading zero ‘101’.zfill(10)
Padding whitespace to the left ‘a’.ljust(10,’=’)
Padding whitespace to the right ‘a’.rjust(10,’=’)
Format string “%s,%d,%s” % (“2012”, 12, “12”)
Name Comment
Error: i++ OK: i += 1
Error: b=true OK: b=True
Error: i<len(A) && j<len(B): OK: i<len(A) and j<len(B):
Error: for i>=0 and j>=0: OK: while i>=0 and j>=0:
Error: ! f OK: not f
NameError: name ‘List’ is not defined from typing import List
Python float with high resolution
1.8 Pip - Python Package Management
Name Comment
Check on installed python package pip show simplejson
Search a package pip search simplejson
Install and uninstall a package pip install simplejson
, pip uninstall simplejon
Install package with a specific version pip install flake8==2.0
Show installation folder of a module module.__file__
, flask.__file__
Check on-line help for a module help(module)
pip install -U simplejon
pip install -i flask
Name Comment
max, min sys.maxsize, -sys.maxsize-1
min, max min(2, 3), max(5, 6, 2)
min with customized comparision min(a, b, key=lambda x: x*x-2*x+1)
generate range for num in range(10,20)
get ascii ord('a'), chr(97)
print integer in binary “{0:b}”.format(10)
Name Comment
dict get first element m[m.keys()[0]]
get by key with default value m.get(x, -1)
Dictionary with defaults m = collections.defaultdict(lambda: 1)
Dictionary with tuple defaults d=collections.defaultdict(lambda: (0, 0))), d[0, 1]=(2, 3)
Use array as key in dictionary Convert array to tuple: m[tuple(l)]=3
Check whether key in hashmap if k in m
Loop dictionary by keys for k in m
Loop dictionary for k,v in m.items()
, not for k,v in enumerate(m)
Intersection of two sets list(set(l1).intersection(set(l2)))
List to set set(list1)
Remove from set s.remove(2)
Deep copy dict import copy; m2=copy.deepcopy(m1)
Remove the first from set s.pop()
Sort dict by values sorted(dict1, key=dict1.get)
Convert a str to a dict eval("{\"createtime\":\"2013-07-16\"}")
Delete an element from a dict del d[key]
Name Comment
mod x % 2
shift left x << 1
; a << 2
shift righ x >> 2
and x & y
complement ~x
xor x ^ y
power 2 ** 3
bool complement not x
binary format bin(5)
(get 101)
count 1 inside binary bin(5).count('1')
Name Comment
Append file open("/tmp/test.txt", "ab").write("\ntest:")
Write file open("/tmp/test.txt", "wab").write("\ntest:")
Read files f.readlines()
Check file os.path.exists("/tmp/test.txt")
Reference Github: cheatsheet-python-A4/code/
Name Comment
sqrt import math; math.sqrt(5)
power import math; math.pow(2, 3)
log import math; math.log(5, 2)
, log2(5)
random random.randint(1, 10)
1 and 10 included
eval string eval("2-11*2")
Name Comment
Send http REST call pip install requests; r = requests.get(‘https://XX/XX’, auth=(‘user’, ‘pass’))
Start a simple HTTP server python -m SimpleHTTPServer <port_number>
Name Comment
Initialize min heap heapq.heapify(q)
heappush a tuple q=[]; heapq.heappush(q, (5, ‘ab’))
pop print (heapq.heappop(q))
first item q[0]
print heapq print list(q)
create a queue from collections import deque; queue = deque([1,5,8,9])
append queue queue.append(7)
pop queue from head element = queue.popleft()
Reference Link: Python Heapq
import heapq
# initializing list
li = [5 , 7 , 9 , 1 , 3 ]
# using heapify to convert list into heap
heapq .heapify (li ) # a minheap
heapq ._heapify_max (li ) # for a maxheap!
# printing created heap
print (list (li ))
# using heappush() to push elements into heap
# pushes 4
heapq .heappush (li ,4 )
# printing modified heap
print (list (li ))
# using heappop() to pop smallest element
print (heapq .heappop (li ))
print (list (li ))
Initialize Linkedlist from array
def initListNodeFromArray (self , nums ):
head = ListNode (None )
prev , p = head , head
for num in nums :
pre = p
p .val = num
q = ListNode (None )
p .next = q
p = p .next
pre .next = None
return head
def printListNode (self , head ):
print ("printListnode" )
while head :
print ("%d" % (head .val ))
head = head .next
Print Trie Tree in level order
def printTrieTreeLevelOrder (self , node ):
print ("printTrieTreeLevelOrder" )
if node .is_word :
print ("Node is a word" )
queue = []
queue .append (node )
while len (queue ) != 0 :
s = ''
for i in range (len (queue )):
node = queue [0 ]
del queue [0 ]
for child_key in node .children :
s = '%s %s' % (s , child_key )
queue .append (node .children [child_key ])
if s != '' :
print 'print level children: %s' % (s )
python sort with customized cmp function: -1 first
nums = [3 , 2 , 6 ]
def myCompare (v1 , v2 ):
return - 1
sorted_nums = sorted (nums , cmp = myCompare )
print nums # [3, 2, 6]
print sorted_nums # [6, 3, 2]
col_count , row_count = 3 , 2
matrix = [[None for j in range (col_count )] for i in range (row_count )]
print matrix
1.18 Python Common Algorithms
Num Category/Tag Example
1 #bfs Leetcode: Max Area of Island
2 #dfs LeetCode: Surrounded Regions
3 #binarysearch LeetCode: Search Insert Position
4 #interval , #mergelist LeetCode: Interval List Intersections
5 #twopointer , #array LeetCode: Reverse Words in a String II
6 #twopointer LeetCode: Two Sum
7 #backtracking , #subset LeetCode: Subsets II
8 #linkedlist , #presum LeetCode: Remove Zero Sum Consecutive Nodes from Linked List
9 #unionfind LeetCode: Accounts Merge
10 #trie LeetCode: Longest Word in Dictionary
11 #stack LeetCode: Valid Parentheses
12 #stack LeetCode: Reverse Substrings Between Each Pair of Parentheses
13 #heap LeetCode: Top K Frequent Elements
14 #baseconversion LeetCode: Base 7 , LeetCode: Convert to Base -2
15 #interval LeetCode: Meeting Rooms II , LeetCode: My Calendar I
16 #monotone LeetCode: Daily Temperatures
17 #knapsack LeetCode: Coin Change
18 #sortbyfunction LeetCode: Relative Sort Array
19 #slidingwindow LeetCode: Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters
20 #editdistance , #dynamicprogramming LeetCode: Longest Common Subsequence
21 #twopointer , #mergetwolist LeetCode: Merge Sorted Array
22 #topologicalsort LeetCode: Course Schedule
23 #bfs , bidirectional bfs LeetCode: Word Ladder
24 #monotonicfunc , #binarysearch LeetCode: Kth Smallest Number in Multiplication Table
25 #divideconquer , #recursive Leetcode: Count of Smaller Numbers After Self
26 python semaphore LeetCode: Print Zero Even Odd
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