ProgressBar in terminal for deno
import { MultiProgressBar } from "jsr:@deno-library/progress";
import { delay } from "jsr:@std/async";
// or JSR (with version)
// import { MultiProgressBar } from "jsr:@deno-library/progress@1.5.1";
// import { delay } from "jsr:@std/async@0.221.0";
// or JSR (no prefix, run `deno add @deno-library/progress` and `deno add @std/async`)
// import { MultiProgressBar } from "@deno-library/progress";
// import { delay } from "@std/async";
// or
// import { MultiProgressBar } from "";
// import { delay } from "";
const title = "download files";
const total = 100;
const bars = new MultiProgressBar({
// clear: true,
complete: "=",
incomplete: "-",
display: "[:bar] :text :percent :time :completed/:total",
let completed1 = 0;
let completed2 = 0;
async function download() {
while (completed1 <= total || completed2 <= total) {
completed1 += 1;
completed2 += 2;
await bars.render([
completed: completed1,
text: "file1",
complete: "*",
incomplete: ".",
{ completed: completed2, total, text: "file2" },
await delay(50);
await download();
interface constructorOptions {
title?: string;
width?: number;
complete?: string;
incomplete?: string;
clear?: boolean;
interval?: number;
display?: string;
prettyTime?: boolean;
output?: typeof Deno.stdout | typeof Deno.stderr;
interface renderOptions {
completed: number;
text?: string;
total?: number;
complete?: string;
incomplete?: string;
prettyTimeOptions?: prettyTimeOptions;
* prettyTime options
* @param withSpaces Whether to use spaces to separate times, `1d2h3m5s` or `1d 2h 3m 5s`, default false
* @param toFixedVal value pass to toFixed for seconds, default 1
* @param longFormat Whether to use a long format, default false, `1d2h3m5s` or `1days 2hours 3minutes 5seconds`
interface prettyTimeOptions {
withSpaces?: boolean;
toFixedVal?: number;
longFormat?: boolean;
class MultiProgressBar {
* Title, total, complete, incomplete, can also be set or changed in the render method
* @param title Progress bar title, default: ''
* @param width the displayed width of the progress, default: 50
* @param complete completion character, default: colors.bgGreen(' '), can use any string
* @param incomplete incomplete character, default: colors.bgWhite(' '), can use any string
* @param clear clear the bar on completion, default: false
* @param interval minimum time between updates in milliseconds, default: 16
* @param display What is displayed and display order, default: ':bar :text :percent :time :completed/:total'
* @param prettyTime Whether to pretty print time and eta
* @param output Output stream, can be Deno.stdout or Deno.stderr, default is Deno.stdout
constructor(options: ConstructorOptions);
* "render" the progress bar
* @param bars progress bars
* @param bars.completed` completed value
* @param optional, total number of ticks to complete, default: 100
* @param bars.text optional, text displayed per ProgressBar, default: ''
* @param bars.complete optional, completion character
* @param bars.incomplete optional, incomplete character
* @param bars.prettyTimeOptions optional, prettyTime options
render(bars: Array<renderOptions>): Promise<void>;
* console: interrupt the progress bar and write a message above it
* @param message The message to write
console(message: string): Promise<void>;
* end: end a progress bar.
* No need to call in most cases, unless you want to end before 100%
end(): Promise<void>;
What is displayed and display order, default: ':bar :text :percent :time :completed/:total'
the progress bar itself:text
text displayed per ProgressBar:percent
completion percentage:time
time elapsed in seconds:eta
estimated completion time in seconds:total
total number of ticks to complete:completed
completed value
import ProgressBar from "jsr:@deno-library/progress";
import { delay } from "jsr:@std/async";
// or JSR (with version)
// import ProgressBar from "jsr:@deno-library/progress@1.5.1";
// import { delay } from "jsr:@std/async@0.221.0";
// or JSR (no prefix, run `deno add @deno-library/progress` and `deno add @std/async`)
// import ProgressBar from "@deno-library/progress";
// import { delay } from "@std/async";
// or
// import ProgressBar from "";
// import { delay } from "@std/async/delay";
const title = "downloading:";
const total = 100;
const progress = new ProgressBar({
let completed = 0;
async function download() {
while (completed <= total) {
await progress.render(completed++);
await delay(50);
await download();
import ProgressBar from "jsr:@deno-library/progress";
import { delay } from "jsr:@std/async";
// or JSR (with version)
// import ProgressBar from "jsr:@deno-library/progress@1.5.1";
// import { delay } from "jsr:@std/async@0.221.0";
// or JSR (no prefix, run `deno add @deno-library/progress` and `deno add @std/async`)
// import ProgressBar from "@deno-library/progress";
// import { delay } from "@std/async";
// or
// import ProgressBar from "";
// import { delay } from "@std/async/delay";
const total = 100;
const progress = new ProgressBar({
complete: "=",
incomplete: "-",
display: ":completed/:total hello :time [:bar] :percent",
// or =>
// display: ':bar'
// display: ':bar :time'
// display: '[:bar]'
// display: 'hello :bar world'
// ...
let completed = 0;
async function download() {
while (completed <= total) {
await progress.render(completed++);
await delay(50);
await download();
More examples in the examples
interface ConstructorOptions {
title?: string,
total?: number,
width?: number,
complete?: string,
preciseBar?: string[],
incomplete?: string,
clear?: boolean,
interval?: number,
display?: string
prettyTime?: boolean;
output?: typeof Deno.stdout | typeof Deno.stderr;
interface renderOptions {
title?: string,
total?: number,
text?: string;
complete?: string,
preciseBar?: string[],
incomplete?: string,
prettyTimeOptions?: prettyTimeOptions;
* prettyTime options
* @param withSpaces Whether to use spaces to separate times, `1d2h3m5s` or `1d 2h 3m 5s`, default false
* @param toFixedVal value pass to toFixed for seconds, default 1
* @param longFormat Whether to use a long format, default false, `1d2h3m5s` or `1days 2hours 3minutes 5seconds`
interface prettyTimeOptions {
withSpaces?: boolean;
toFixedVal?: number;
longFormat?: boolean;
class ProgressBar {
* Title, total, complete, incomplete, can also be set or changed in the render method
* @param title progress bar title, default: ''
* @param total total number of ticks to complete
* @param width the displayed width of the progress, default: 50
* @param complete completion character, default: colors.bgGreen(' '), can use any string
* @param preciseBar in between character, default: [colors.bgGreen(' ')], can use any string array
* @param incomplete incomplete character, default: colors.bgWhite(' '), can use any string
* @param clear clear the bar on completion, default: false
* @param interval minimum time between updates in milliseconds, default: 16
* @param display What is displayed and display order, default: ':title :percent :bar :time :completed/:total'
* @param prettyTime Whether to pretty print time and eta
* @param output Output stream, can be Deno.stdout or Deno.stderr, default is Deno.stdout
constructor(options: ConstructorOptions): void;
* render: render the progress bar
* @param completed completed value
* @param options optional parameters
* @param options.title optional, progress bar title
* @param options.text optional, custom text, default: ''
* @param optional, total number of ticks to complete, default: 100
* @param options.complete optional, completion character, If you want to change at a certain moment. For example, it turns red at 20%
* @param options.incomplete optional, incomplete character, If you want to change at a certain moment. For example, it turns red at 20%
* @param options.prettyTimeOptions optional, prettyTime options
render(completed: number, options? renderOptions): Promise<void>;
* console: interrupt the progress bar and write a message above it
* @param message The message to write
console(message: string): Promise<void>;
* end: end a progress bar.
* No need to call in most cases, unless you want to end before 100%
end(): Promise<void>;
What is displayed and display order, default: ':title :percent :bar :time :completed/:total'
progress bar title:percent
completion percentage:bar
the progress bar itself:time
time elapsed in seconds:eta
estimated completion time in seconds:completed
completed value:total
total number of ticks to complete
Standard use
Multi-line progress bar output in terminal
Change how the order and look of elements
Change character color
Change background color
Color that changes with progress
Precise bar with more intermediate states
Wider bar
Clear the bar once finished
Backward progress
Log some messages
Log some messages next to the bar
More screenshots in the screenshots