- 2
Project Status
#152 opened by SteveMcFarlin - 1
0.9 release checklist
#138 opened by littledivy - 0
Static Methods
#151 opened by cputnam-a11y - 0
best practices for binding existing crates
#150 opened by andykais - 1
Release 9.0?
#147 opened by nearest-river - 3
Bug: missing crate version/bad documentation
#148 opened by RaphaelDarley - 0
Can't generate bindgens for OXC crate
#149 opened by Sleepful - 0
Support TypedArray types...
#144 opened by nearest-river - 0
Found a bug
#146 opened by nearest-river - 0
Support for pointers
#145 opened by nearest-river - 0
Support for unsafe functions
#143 opened by nearest-river - 0
Support for booleans
#142 opened by nearest-river - 2
Embedding deno in rust application
#141 opened by nearest-river - 4
- 0
Result<T>,Option<T> & Exceptions
#139 opened by nearest-river - 3
Problem with struct params
#127 opened by nearest-river - 2
implement `impl` as classes
#63 opened by littledivy - 3
memery leak for deno_bindgen
#108 opened by usrtax - 0
async codegen type decls missing & no promise resolving of number/void types
#109 opened by ross-weir - 0
Support `Vec<T: Serialize>` return types
#58 opened by littledivy - 0
Conditional field attributes do not work
#60 opened by littledivy - 0
cargo not building on linux
#131 opened by nearest-river - 0
issue with compilation and intellisence
#132 opened by nearest-river - 1
Stateless macro
#135 opened by littledivy - 0
Support for Result type
#137 opened by mikroskeem - 0
#133 opened by nearest-river - 0
#134 opened by nearest-river - 2
Argument of type 'bigint' is not assignable to parameter of type 'PointerObject'.deno-ts(2345)
#119 opened by denizdogan - 4
- 2
Encode as cstring instead of ptr + len
#110 opened by sigmaSd - 0
- 3
why &[u8] use TextEncoder ? can't pass binary ...
#95 opened by usrtax - 3
don't cache development builds
#57 opened by littledivy - 4
The ".dll" cache loaded by FFI cannot be cleared
#71 opened by idranme - 1
Bug: Program crash after deno_bindgen rebuild
#75 opened by kayac-chang - 4
Publish new release/tag for Deno 1.24.1
#86 opened by zifeo - 1
deno_bindgen does not work properly on Windows.
#91 opened by skanehira - 3
Doesn't work with Deno v1.25.0
#90 opened by skanehira - 2
Accessing structs from C to Deno
#69 opened by targetlucked69 - 1
Unable to run deno_bindgen
#83 opened by xxSkyy - 0
- 0
- 4
Segmentation fault with Deno Test
#79 opened by zifeo - 1
- 0
- 1
Add // @ts-ignore above UnsafePointerView
#62 opened by felipetesc - 7
feat: Support build target for multiple platforms
#70 opened by idranme - 1
JSON.encode doesn't support Map
#54 opened by fourtf - 0
Return cargo exit code in case of failure
#61 opened by zifeo - 8
support `&str` as a return type
#53 opened by mwcz