
Dojo 2 package containing TypeScript and JavaScript core utilities

Primary LanguageTypeScriptOtherNOASSERTION

Dojo 2 core

This package provides a set of language helpers, utility functions, and classes for writing TypeScript applications. It includes APIs for feature detection, asynchronous and streaming operations, basic event handling, and making HTTP requests.


Feature Detection

Using the latest Web technologies isn't always as straightforward as developers would like due to differing support across platforms. dojo-core/has provides a simple feature detection API that makes it easy to detect which platforms support which features.

Detecting Features

The default export of dojo-core/has is a function which accepts a single parameter: the name of the feature to test for. If the feature is available, a truthy value is returned, otherwise a falsy value is returned:

if (has('dom-addeventlistener')) {
    element.addEventListener('click', function () { /* ... */ });

Adding Feature Detections

It's important to be able to add new feature tests that aren't provided out-of-the-box by dojo-core/has. This can be done easily by using the add function exported by the has module. It accepts two parameters: the name of the feature, and either an immediate value indicating its availability or a function that resolves to a value.

When a function is passed, the feature will be lazily evaluated - i.e. the function is not executed until the feature is actually requested. The return value is then cached for future calls for the same feature.

import { add as hasAdd } from 'dojo-core/has';
hasAdd('dom-queryselector', 'querySelector' in document && 'querySelectorAll' in document);

// Lazily executed; useful if a polyfill is loaded after page load
hasAdd('typedarray', function () {
    return 'ArrayBuffer' in window;

Accessing the Feature Cache

dojo-core/has maintains object hashes containing keys that correspond to all features that have been both registered and requested. The value associated with each feature name key corresponds to that feature's availability in the current environment. The object hash containing evaluated features is accessible via the cache export.

Language Utilities

The core package provides several modules offering a number of langauge utilities. Some of these are heavily based on methods in the ES2015 proposal; others are additional APIs for commonly-performed tasks.


The array module contains analogues to the following ES2015 Array APIs:

  • copyWithin - Copies a sequence of elements to another position in the given array
  • from - Creates an Array from an array-like object
  • fill - Fills some or all elements of an array with a given value
  • find - Returns the first value in the array satisfying a given function
  • findIndex - Returns the first index in the array whose value satisfies a given function
  • of - Creates an Array with the given arguments as its elements


The lang module contains various utility functions for tasks such as copying objects and creating late-bound or partial applications of functions.


The math module contains analogues to a number of ES2015 APIs, including many trigonometric and logarithmic functions.


The string module contains analogues to the following ES2015 String APIs:

  • codePointAt - Returns the UTF-16 encoded code point value of a position in a string
  • endsWith - Determines whether a string ends with the given substring
  • fromCodePoint - Creates a string using the specified sequence of code points
  • includes - Determines whether a string includes the given substring
  • repeat - Returns a string containing a string repeated a given number of times
  • startsWith - Determines whether a string begins with the given substring

Special thanks to Mathias Bynens for granting permission to adopt code from his codePointAt, fromCodePoint, and repeat polyfills.

The string module also contains the following utility functions:

  • escapeRegExp - Escapes a string to safely be included in regular expressions
  • escapeXml - Escapes XML (or HTML) content in a string
  • padEnd - Adds padding to the end of a string to ensure it is a certain length
  • padStart - Adds padding to the beginning of a string to ensure it is a certain length


The UrlSearchParams class can be used to parse and generate URL query strings.

Promises and Asynchronous Operations


The dojo-core/Promise class is an implementation of the ES2015 Promise API that also includes static state inspection and a finally method for cleanup actions.

dojo-core/async contains a number of classes and utility modules to simplify working with asynchronous operations.


The dojo-core/async/Task class is an extension of dojo-core/Promise that provides cancelation support.

How do I use this package?

Users will need to download and compile directly from the repository for the time being. Precompiled AMD/CommonJS modules will be provided in the near future as our release tools are improved.

How do I contribute?

We appreciate your interest! Please see the Guidelines Repository for the Contributing Guidelines and Style Guide.


Test cases MUST be written using Intern using the Object test interface and Assert assertion interface.

90% branch coverage MUST be provided for all code submitted to this repository, as reported by istanbul’s combined coverage results for all supported platforms.

Licensing information

© 2004–2015 Dojo Foundation & contributors. New BSD license.

Some string functions (codePointAt, fromCodePoint, and repeat) adopted from polyfills by Mathias Bynens, under the MIT license.

See LICENSE for details.