
Rosalind + (C | Ruby | Crystal | Go | Java) = :heart:

Primary LanguageJava

Rosalind problems

My endeavor to solve Rosalind problems with Ruby, Crystal, Go, and Java.

Problems and Solutions

Problem title Solution file
Counting DNA Nucleotides C, Ruby, Crystal, Go, Java
Transcribing DNA into RNA Ruby
Complementing a Strand of DNA Ruby
Rabbits and Recurrence Relations Ruby
Computing GC Content Ruby, Crystal
Counting Point Mutations Ruby
Mendel's First Law
Translating RNA into Protein
Finding a Motif in DNA
Mortal Fibonacci Rabbits
Consensus and Profile
Overlap Graphs
Calculating Expected Offspring
Finding a Shared Motif
Independent Alleles
Finding a Protein Motif
Inferring mRNA from Protein
Open Reading Frames
Enumerating Gene Orders
Calculating Protein Mass
Locating Restriction Sites
RNA Splicing
Enumerating k-mers Lexicographically
Longest Increasing Subsequence
Genome Assembly as Shortest Superstring
Perfect Matchings and RNA Secondary Structures
Partial Permutations
Introduction to Random Strings
Enumerating Oriented Gene Orderings
Finding a Spliced Motif
Transitions and Transversions
Completing a Tree
Catalan Numbers and RNA Secondary Structures
Error Correction in Reads
Counting Phylogenetic Ancestors
k-Mer Composition
Speeding Up Motif Finding
Finding a Shared Spliced Motif
Ordering Strings of Varying Length Lexicographically
Maximum Matchings and RNA Secondary Structures
Creating a Distance Matrix
Reversal Distance
Matching Random Motifs
Counting Subsets
Introduction to Alternative Splicing
Edit Distance
Expected Number of Restriction Sites
Motzkin Numbers and RNA Secondary Structures
Distances in Trees
Interleaving Two Motifs
Introduction to Set Operations
Sorting by Reversals
Inferring Protein from Spectrum
Introduction to Pattern Matching
Comparing Spectra with the Spectral Convolution
Creating a Character Table
Constructing a De Bruijn Graph
Edit Distance Alignment
Inferring Peptide from Full Spectrum
Independent Segregation of Chromosomes
Finding Disjoint Motifs in a Gene
Finding the Longest Multiple Repeat
Newick Format with Edge Weights
Wobble Bonding and RNA Secondary Structures
Counting Disease Carriers
Creating a Character Table from Genetic Strings
Counting Optimal Alignments
Counting Unrooted Binary Trees
Global Alignment with Scoring Matrix
Genome Assembly with Perfect Coverage
Matching a Spectrum to a Protein
Using the Spectrum Graph to Infer Peptides
Encoding Suffix Trees
Character-Based Phylogeny
Counting Quartets
Enumerating Unrooted Binary Trees
Genome Assembly Using Reads
Global Alignment with Constant Gap Penalty
Linguistic Complexity of a Genome
Local Alignment with Scoring Matrix
Inferring Genotype from a Pedigree
Maximizing the Gap Symbols of an Optimal Alignment
Identifying Maximal Repeats
Multiple Alignment
Creating a Restriction Map
Counting Rooted Binary Trees
Sex-Linked Inheritance
Phylogeny Comparison with Split Distance
The Wright-Fisher Model of Genetic Drift
Alignment-Based Phylogeny
Assessing Assembly Quality with N50 and N75
Fixing an Inconsistent Character Set
Wright-Fisher's Expected Behavior
The Founder Effect and Genetic Drift
Global Alignment with Scoring Matrix and Affine Gap Penalty
Genome Assembly with Perfect Coverage and Repeats
Overlap Alignment
Quartet Distance
Finding a Motif with Modifications
Semiglobal Alignment
Finding All Similar Motifs
Local Alignment with Affine Gap Penalty
Isolating Symbols in Alignments
Identifying Reversing Substitutions