
Hacktoberfest :tada: Contribute with your favorite oneliner or one line of some sort :shrug:

Primary LanguagePython

One Liners

Greetings hackers of Hacktoberfest! 💻 🎉

Build GitHub last commit Updated


I like oneliners, and I've like you to create a PR with your favorite onliner using Python. Or just a line of some sort - it's up to you 🤷

So far I've only created a list containing the alphabet (a-z). Let's see what we can accomplish to the end of Hacktober!

Getting started

Follow the steps bellow to get started!

  1. Fork this repo by clicking the top right fork button.
  2. Clone the reposetory you just forked.
  3. Create a new branch:
    1. git checkout -b my_branch_name
  4. Make your changes and push your code.
  5. Create a pull request to this reposetorys main branch 🎉

Happy coding ⌨️


See the rules below:

  1. Your oneliner can be maximum 200 characters long.
  2. Your onliner should extend the previous code written in main.py.
  3. Your code should go below the prevous code of the main.py file.
  4. Only 1 line of code for each PR.
  5. No third-party packages.
  6. After your submit, main.py should be able to run.