Developer Study Group Application

This is a demo project in built using Django technoly.

This demo project is strictly for learning and porfolio purpose. It's basically an application for software developers that enable them to have conversation around various technologies, create room for each technology and have a conversation within themselves. It's expected that at the end of the project, I am able to have a full graps of the various concepts of Django and how it works under the hood.

Usage/cloning the App

--> Clone the repository using the command below :

git clone

$ cd /Django-demo-project

# Create a virtual environment
# Let's install virtualenv first
pip install virtualenv

# Then create your virtual environment
virtualenv envname

--> Activate the virtual environment :


--> Running the App to use :

python runserver

Demo Image


  • Django
  • CSS
  • HTML


The template used in this project was made possible .