
The signal proxying unit (server -> UI) for dcf77webreceiver, a proof-of-concept'ish app that receives and decodes DCF77 signals in the browser.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


The dcf77webreceiver is a proof-of-concept web application to receive and decode DCF77 time information from inside the browser via an antenna connected to a Raspberry Pi.

This is the proxy, a Node.js application to receive the signals from the server and relaying them to the browser via Socket.io. There is no signal processing in this component.

See the main repositories README for more information about this project.


As this is more of a proof-of-concept, I cannot provide clear installation instructions. If you want to use this source and you run into troubles, please open an issue and we will figure out what went wrong. However, some general hints:

Copy config.json.example to config.json. Set your input settings to the right values. host is the host the server will bind to, port is the port it will listen on. The port should match with the clients settings. output.port is the port the socket.io server will listen on. Configure your reverse proxy (nginx for example) to serve Socket.io requests to this port.

After that, install the dependencies with npm install and run the proxy with node index.js.