- It's not going to be easy (Это не будет легко)
- How long does it take you to get to work? (Как долго вы добираетесь до работы?)
- Is it going to the center? (Вы едите [автобус] до центра?)
- That will be never ending process
- Reactivation compaign
- Daily Active Users
- Monthly Active Users
- You just need to talk with users
- Humans need to simplify things
- Changing the customer or changing the problem
- It seems like (Это кажется/выглядит как)
- How are you planing to make a living — как ты планируешь зарабатывать на жизнь
- I am I a hurry (Я спешу)
- No longer the mess
- When should I start (Когда я могу приступить)
- Full time contributors (Постоянные учатники)
- This technology probably has no future (Эта технология возможно не имеет будущего)
- People love contributing to opensource project (Люди любят вкладываться в опенсорсные проекты)
- This is the future and we wanna be a part of it (Это будущее и мы хотим быть частью этого)
- Panicle career success
- People believe in result of the team collective working
- Working from home has not only allowed me to be more productive, but it’s also been a huge benefit for my physical and mental well being
- Product market fit is make something people want
- Form should follow function
- Novelty is the opposite functionality
- Very simple and incredibly beautiful and usable product
- It is the most convenient for me
- Even if you indeed
- What tips you give about it (Какие советы ты можешь дать насчёт этого?)
- Who cares about money? (Кто парится по поводу денег?)
- It looks incredibly appealing to use
- You will be surprise how many people think don’t trough logical steps
- Make sure that you understand what you do
- The first point / the second point
- The next thing that we what do ...
- It's amazing. You got to do it
- How I would handle feedback
- Which is amazing
- Keep routine small
- Pushing your customers towards the solution
- Startup journey from idea to growth stage (Путь стартапа от идеи до стадии роста)
- Listen the problem, not solution (Слушайте проблему, не решение)
- Сannibalized phone market (Канибализировали рынок телефонов)
- Has anybody call you about whitepaper before?
- Hi John! First of all thanks for this useful article (Привет джон! Во-первых спасибо за это полежное видео)
- I am cheers fo design in our company
- You got to be careful with that
- Make functional prototype ass quick as possible. Make the clickable
- When should we lunch our product?
- I try to keep my hand on the pulse of what is going on in the animation industry and new talent that emerges from it
- This metrics guide the team
- I am filming Doctor ALex (Я снимаю интервью с Доктором Алексом)
- Take your ass back to your work
- Please don`t waste my time
- What am I suppose to do now?
- I am gotta go
- And who we do have here
- Why don`t you brind Andy by the house for dinner this week
- Have a seat
- When should I start thinking about press
- You are trying to convince someone to trying your product
- I want to rise money. An I know how to achieve that goal
- It might be not good for you
- I probably gonna lose every single dollar
- It doesn’t make any sense
- Angels are basically a rich people
- You should be careful of managers groups
- We are like to get together for meals
- Sead founds are kind of super professional angels
- Do research on them
- I am looking for alternative assets to present my product
- I got to do something big
- VC is very specific structure
- The one on restores are crowd founding websites
- Investors write tweets about the companies that they wanna see exist