This repo is intended to assist in the creation of an infile set for use with the EVOLVER suite of genome evolution tools written by Robert C. Edgar. George Asimenos, Serafim Batzoglou and Arend Sidow. http://www.drive5.com/evolver/
- Evolver: http://www.drive5.com/evolver/ such that all executables and scripts are preceded with
, e.g.evolver_evo
- The UCSC Genome Browser Kent source tree:
git clone git://genome-source.cse.ucsc.edu/kent.git
for some utilities used in the infileMakefile - evolverSimControl: https://github.com/dentearl/evolverSimControl/ for the lib
- TandemRepeatsFinder: trf http://tandem.bu.edu/trf/trf.html
- Download the project.
into the project directory.- Type
. - Edit your
environmental variable to contain the parent directory of theevolverInfileGeneration/
Copy the
into a new directory where you would like to have all the infiles created. -
Edit the chromosomes on line 58 from what you see below to whatever you want them to be:
chrs:= 20 21 22
To test type
make -f infileMakefile testSet=YES MODEL=path/to/evolver/model/model.txt
To run type
make -f infileMakefile MODEL=path/to/evolver/model/model.txt
Pro tip: The Makefile has been written so that you can use the
parallel option in make, -j
, for a speedup, provided you have a extra processors to spare.
- singleRegionGenerator.sh - A shrunken down version of
. For when you don't want a full chromosome, but just a small piece of one. Used in the Cactus publication Cactus: Algorithms for genome multiple sequence alignment 2011. Paten, Earl, Nguyen, Deikans, Zerbino and Haussler. Genome Research. http://genome.cshlp.org/content/early/2011/06/09/gr.123356.111.abstract . - splitEvolverInfiles.py - Used to cut a paired FASTA and GFF into smaller FASTAs and GFFs with correct new coordinates for the GFF files.
- src/testSplitEvolverInfiles.py - unittest for splitEvolverInfiles.py, invoke with
python src/testSplitEvolverInfiles.py --verbose
- subsetRemapGP.py - Takes a .gp (genpred) file and arguments to define a subsetted region and returns just the subsetted region with all elements' coordinates transformed to the subset, in .gp format.