
In order to understand the differences between Redux Toolkit and easy-peasy I have "converted" the Redux Toolkit advanced Tutorial (source-code) to using easy-peasy. My intention was to "convert" the state manangement without touching the original code unless it was related to Redux Toolkit. After some research I also couldn't find a good example of a larger app using "easy-peasy" ( is worth checking out) so maybe this conversion-example can also help other easy-peasy newcomers! I would like to keep one branch of the repo as close as possible to the rtk example, and also have another branch with "easy-peasy-bestpractices", feel free to PR or open an issue with improvement ideas.

(rtk guys, sorry for stealing your app!)

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React Codebase Source Overview

The codebase is already laid out in a "feature folder" structure, The main pieces are:

The original project structure from the rtk example:

  • /api: fetching functions and TS types for the Github Issues API
  • /app: main <App> component
  • /components: components that are reused in multiple places
  • /features
    • /issueDetails: components for the Issue Details page
    • /issuesList: components for the Issues List display
    • /repoSearch: components for the Repo Search form
  • /utils: various string utility functions

Additional folders for easy-peasy:

  • /model: easy-peasy store models
  • /store: easy-peasy store config and typed hooks
  • /services: services that can be used with easy-peasy injector