Starfield Save Utility (SSU)


XPG - Xbox Game Pass (PC, Xbox)

SFS - Steam and probably EGL(PC)


Fast and easy way to convert your save files between XGP and SFS versions of the game.


  • Add support for XGP saves
  • Add support for SFS saves
  • XGP -> SFS
  • SFS -> XGP
  • UI
  • CLI
  • Editor


NOTE: The cloud sync feature of Xbox app might interfere with outside modifications to the savefile container. After shutting down the game, please wait a minute or two before trying to import savefiles to give Xbox app some time to do the sync.

Default Path references

Steam version: Documents\My Games\Starfield\Saves

Xbox version: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Packages\BethesdaSoftworks.Starfield_3275kfvn8vcwc\SystemAppData\wgs


XGP-import by HarukaMa XGP-export by Z1ni