
This is the experimental project to build WebAssembly application for Knative.

The Dockerfile-with-cache provide the sample Docker image build with WAGI with some enhancements.

Details in

  • Performance optimization by caching the compiled WASM context
  • Handle the SIGTERM properly for graceful shutdown

The original flamegraph for wagi 0.8.1

Before optimization

The flamegraph after performance optimization

After optimization

Run WAGI in Knative

After installing Knative, you can give a try for WAGI examples

$ kubectl apply -f knative_test.yaml
$ kubectl get ksvc autoscale-wagi
NAME             URL                                                LATESTCREATED          LATESTREADY            READY   REASON
autoscale-wagi   autoscale-wagi-00002   autoscale-wagi-00002   True
$ curl
Oh hi world
$ curl
hello world

More for WAGI: WebAssembly Gateway Interface