This plugin provides the ability for your RabbitMQ server to perform authentication (determining who can log in) and authorisation (determining what permissions they have) by making requests to an HTTP server.
As with all authentication plugins, this one requires rabbitmq-server 2.3.1 or later.
Note: it's at an early stage of development, although it's conceptually very simple.
You can build and install it like any other plugin (see the plugin development guide).
This plugin depends on the Erlang client (just to grab a URI parser).
To enable the plugin, set the value of the auth_backends
configuration item
for the rabbit
application to include rabbit_auth_backend_http
is a list of authentication providers to try in order.
So a configuration fragment that enables this plugin only would look like:
[{rabbit, [{auth_backends, [rabbit_auth_backend_http]}]}].
to use only HTTP, or:
[{auth_backends, [rabbit_auth_backend_http, rabbit_auth_backend_internal]}]
to use both HTTP and the internal database.
You need to configure the plugin to know which URIs to point at.
A minimal configuration file might look like:
{rabbit, [{auth_backends, [rabbit_auth_backend_http]}]},
[{user_path, "http://some-server/auth/user"},
{vhost_path, "http://some-server/auth/vhost"},
{resource_path, "http://some-server/auth/resource"}]}
This plugin requires that your web server respond to requests in a certain predefined format. It will make GET requests against the URIs listed in the configuration file. It will add query string parameters as follows:
- the name of the userpassword
- the password provided (may be missing if e.g. rabbitmq-auth-mechanism-ssl is used)
- the name of the uservhost
- the name of the virtual host being accessed
Note that you cannot create arbitrary virtual hosts using this plugin; you can only determine whether your users can see / access the ones that exist.
- the name of the uservhost
- the name of the virtual host containing the resourceresource
- the type of resource (exchange
- the name of the resourcepermission
- the access level to the resource (configure
) - see the admin guide for their meaning
Your web server should always return HTTP 200 OK, with a body containing:
- deny access to the user / vhost / resourceallow
- allow access to the user / vhost / resourceallow [list of tags]
- (foruser_path
only) - allow access, and mark the user as an having the tags listed
Check the RabbitMQ logs if things don't seem to be working properly. Look for log messages containing "rabbit_auth_backend_http failed".
In examples/rabbitmq_auth_backend_django
there's a very simple
Django app that can be used for authentication. On Debian / Ubuntu you
should be able to run to launch it after installing the
python-django package. It's really not designed to be anything other
than an example.
See examples/README
for slightly more information.