- 3
#362 opened by alemangioni - 2
Target parameter has to be used instead of service_data for shortcuts (wrong parameter order)
#378 opened by philw07 - 2
Blueair Protect 7470i
#352 opened by Phillycityboy - 6
Basic image of the complement
#310 opened by kilem86 - 2
- 1
Lost controls of speeds control
#377 opened by Tmatz27 - 4
Request Support for Xiaomi Air Purifier 4 Lite
#302 opened by mrkaqz - 3
Fan integration
#333 opened by rappc87 - 4
Possibility to set any name for the air purifier.
#312 opened by Qu4Q - 3
Hide information above the name
#311 opened by Qu4Q - 1
not working
#343 opened by mrlordziemniak - 1
How can I change the AQI value?
#342 opened by cloudy4125 - 2
Integration Warmtec AP350W
#292 opened by pmielcza - 8
request support for Xiaomi 4 compact
#201 opened by mattiabrunello5 - 2
Spinner remains when clicking favorite speed buttons (Air Purifier 2 (mini)).
#270 opened by chinswain - 2
Support for Molekule Air Filters
#269 opened by matthewcbyington - 8
Card-mod not working
#234 opened by Gh61 - 5
The remaining time is not displayed
#212 opened by trancer86 - 2
Question: How to remove Controls class?
#226 opened by ShogunMan - 1
Minimal purifier card
#245 opened by trablin45 - 6
- 2
fan.set_percentage needs to be called twice
#70 opened by mortenmoulder - 10
AQI word over picture
#77 opened by JuhaFIN1 - 7
AQI reported as text
#78 opened by marcodalli - 6
Stats and AQI does not update realtime
#79 opened by mash2k3 - 19
- 5
Trouble getting preset mode to switch, Failed to call service fan/set_preset_mode. {preset_mode} is not one of the valid preset modes: {self.preset_modes}
#81 opened by bobloadmire - 7
Support for Xiaomi 3C
#82 opened by grambas - 4
- 3
Error resolving module specifier “lit”
#123 opened by bjeanes - 3
Toggle Switch under Shortcuts
#148 opened by hopperjef - 2
set.fan_preset_mode - failed to call service/fan.preset_mode. required key not provided @data [
#199 opened by jayscovill - 2
Support configured display precision for entities
#225 opened by bmcclure - 13
custom elements doesn't exist: purifier-card
#232 opened by Sygnus83 - 3
Card not available
#230 opened by Magix3D - 2
Error in purifier-card.js
#150 opened by Siffup - 2
Fail to load on HA 2023.6.2
#229 opened by haaino - 8
- 6
purifier-card.js?hacstag=274738925222:1 Uncaught ReferenceError: regeneratorRuntime is not defined
#109 opened by majkers - 1
Can't set fan preset modes: failed to call service fan/set_present_mode. required key not provided @ data ['preset_mode']
#200 opened by jayscovill - 1
Card not showing in Lovelace
#151 opened by jonicunha - 2
Add Support for Levoit Air Purifiers
#107 opened by darkdhamon - 5
Error with new update v2.1.3
#106 opened by Mick51 - 6
Card not showing correctly on HA 2022.3
#89 opened by FrancYescO - 3
Paper Elements are being removed
#88 opened by vampywiz17 - 5
- 2
Compatibility with RabbitAir MinusA2
#76 opened by oadslug - 22
- 1
Card takes too much space
#74 opened by Yersi88 - 3