
Generic Salt Bootstrap Script

Primary LanguageShellOtherNOASSERTION

Bootstrapping Salt

Build status of the develop branch on Windows

Before Salt can be used for provisioning on the desired machine, the binaries need to be installed. Since Salt supports many different distributions and versions of operating systems, the Salt installation process is handled by this shell script bootstrap-salt.sh. This script runs through a series of checks to determine operating system type and version to then install the Salt binaries using the appropriate methods.


This README file is not the absolute truth to what the bootstrap script is capable of, for that, please read the generated help by passing -h to the script or even better, read the source.

In case you found a bug, please read I Found a Bug first before submitting a new issue. The examples there show how to get the latest development version of the bootstrap script. Chances are high that your issue was already fixed.


In every two-step installation example, you would be well-served to verify against the SHA256 sum of the downloaded bootstrap-salt.sh file.

The SHA256 sum of the bootstrap-salt.sh file, per release, is:

  • 2017.08.17: 909b4d35696b9867b34b22ef4b60edbc5a0e9f8d1ed8d05f922acb79a02e46e3
  • 2017.05.24: 8c42c2e5ad3d4384ddc557da5c214ba3e40c056ca1b758d14a392c1364650e89

If you're looking for the one-liner to install Salt, please scroll to the bottom and use the instructions for Installing via an Insecure One-Liner.


The Salt Bootstrap script has a wide variety of options that can be passed as well as several ways of obtaining the bootstrap script itself.


These examples below show how to bootstrap Salt directly from GitHub or other Git repository. Run the script without any parameters to get latest stable Salt packages for your system from SaltStack's corporate repository. See first example in the Install using wget section.

Install using curl

Using curl to install latest development version from GitHub:

curl -o bootstrap-salt.sh -L https://bootstrap.saltstack.com
sudo sh bootstrap-salt.sh git develop

If you want to install a specific release version (based on the Git tags):

curl -o bootstrap-salt.sh -L https://bootstrap.saltstack.com
sudo sh bootstrap-salt.sh git v2016.11.5

To install a specific branch from a Git fork:

curl -o bootstrap-salt.sh -L https://bootstrap.saltstack.com
sudo sh bootstrap-salt.sh -g https://github.com/myuser/salt.git git mybranch

If all you want is to install a salt-master using latest Git:

curl -o bootstrap-salt.sh -L https://bootstrap.saltstack.com
sudo sh bootstrap-salt.sh -M -N git develop

If your host has Internet access only via HTTP proxy:

curl -o bootstrap-salt.sh -L -x "$PROXY" https://bootstrap.saltstack.com
sudo sh bootstrap-salt.sh -H "$PROXY" git

Install using wget

Using wget to install your distribution's stable packages:

wget -O bootstrap-salt.sh https://bootstrap.saltstack.com
sudo sh bootstrap-salt.sh

Installing a specific version from git using wget:

wget -O bootstrap-salt.sh https://bootstrap.saltstack.com
sudo sh bootstrap-salt.sh -P git v2016.11.5


On the above example we added -P which will allow PIP packages to be installed if required but it's not a necessary flag for Git based bootstraps.

Install using Python

If you already have Python installed, python 2.6, then it's as easy as:

python -m urllib "https://bootstrap.saltstack.com" > bootstrap-salt.sh
sudo sh bootstrap-salt.sh git develop

All Python versions should support the following in-line code:

python -c 'import urllib; print urllib.urlopen("https://bootstrap.saltstack.com").read()' > bootstrap-salt.sh
sudo sh bootstrap-salt.sh git develop

Install using fetch

On a FreeBSD base system you usually don't have either of the above binaries available. You do have fetch available though:

fetch -o bootstrap-salt.sh https://bootstrap.saltstack.com
sudo sh bootstrap-salt.sh

If you have any SSL issues install ca_root_nss:

pkg install ca_root_nss

And either copy the certificates to the place where fetch can find them:

cp /usr/local/share/certs/ca-root-nss.crt /etc/ssl/cert.pem

Or link them to the right place:

ln -s /usr/local/share/certs/ca-root-nss.crt /etc/ssl/cert.pem

Installing via an Insecure One-Liner

The following examples illustrate how to install Salt via a one-liner.


Warning! These methods do not involve a verification step and assume that the delivered file is trustworthy.

Any of the example above which use two-lines can be made to run in a single-line configuration with minor modifications.

Installing the latest stable release of Salt (default):

curl -L https://bootstrap.saltstack.com | sudo sh

Using wget to install your distribution's stable packages:

wget -O - https://bootstrap.saltstack.com | sudo sh

Installing the latest develop branch of Salt:

curl -L https://bootstrap.saltstack.com | sudo sh -s -- git develop

Supported Operating Systems

The salt-bootstrap script officially supports the distributions outlined in Salt's Supported Operating Systems document. The operating systems listed below should reflect this document but may become out of date. If an operating system is listed below, but is not listed on the official supported operating systems document, the level of support is "best-effort".

Since Salt is written in Python, the packages available from SaltStack's corporate repository are CPU architecture independent and could be installed on any hardware supported by Linux kernel. However, SaltStack does package Salt's binary dependencies only for x86_64 (amd64) and AArch32 (armhf). The latter is available only for Debian/Raspbian 8 platforms.

It is recommended to use git bootstrap mode as described above to install Salt on other architectures, such as x86 (i386), AArch64 (arm64) or ARM EABI (armel). You also may need to disable repository configuration and allow pip installations by providing -r and -P options to the bootstrap script, i.e.:

sudo sh bootstrap-salt.sh -r -P git develop


Bootstrap may fail to install Salt on the cutting-edge version of distributions with frequent release cycles such as: Amazon Linux, Fedora, openSUSE Tumbleweed, or Ubuntu non-LTS. Check the versions from the list below. Also, see the Unsupported Distro and Adding Support for Other Operating Systems sections.

Debian and derivatives

  • Cumulus Linux 2/3
  • Debian GNU/Linux 7/8/9
  • Linux Mint Debian Edition 1 (based on Debian 8)
  • Kali Linux 1.0 (based on Debian 7)
  • Raspbian 8 (armhf packages) and 9 (using git installation mode only)
Debian Best Effort Support: Testing Release

This script provides best-effort support for the upcoming Debian testing release. Package repositories are not provided on SaltStack's Debian repository for Debian testing releases. However, the bootstrap script will attempt to install the packages for the current stable version of Debian.

For example, when installing Salt on Debian 10 (Buster), the bootstrap script will setup the repository for Debian 9 (Stretch) from SaltStack's Debian repository and install the Debian 9 packages.

Red Hat family

  • Amazon Linux 2012.3 and later
  • CentOS 6/7
  • Cloud Linux 6/7
  • Fedora 25/26
  • Oracle Linux 6/7
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6/7
  • Scientific Linux 6/7

SUSE family

  • openSUSE Leap 42.2/42.3
  • openSUSE Tumbleweed 2015
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP4, 12 SP2

Ubuntu and derivatives

  • KDE neon (based on Ubuntu 16.04)
  • Linux Mint 17/18
  • Ubuntu 14.04/16.04 and subsequent non-TLS releases (see below)
Ubuntu Best Effort Support: Non-LTS Releases

This script provides best-effort support for current, non-LTS Ubuntu releases. If package repositories are not provided on SaltStack's Ubuntu repository for the non-LTS release, the bootstrap script will attempt to install the packages for the most closely related LTS Ubuntu release instead.

For example, when installing Salt on Ubuntu 16.10, the bootstrap script will setup the repository for Ubuntu 16.04 from SaltStack's Ubuntu repository and install the 16.04 packages.

Other Linux distro

  • Alpine Linux 3.5/edge
  • Arch Linux
  • Gentoo

UNIX systems


  • OpenBSD (pip installation)
  • FreeBSD 9/10/11


  • SmartOS

Unsupported Distro

You found a Linux distribution which we still do not support or we do not correctly identify? Please run the following commands and report their output when creating a ticket:

sudo find /etc/ -name \*-release -print -exec cat {} \;
command lsb_release -a

Adding Support for Other Operating Systems

The following operating systems are detected, but Salt and its dependencies installation functions are not developed yet:


  • NetBSD


  • Slackware


  • OpenIndiana
  • Oracle Solaris
  • OmniOS (Illumos)

In order to install Salt for a distribution you need to define:

  1. To Install Dependencies, which is required, one of:
  1. Optionally, define a minion configuration function, which will be called if the -c option is passed. One of:
  1. Optionally, define a Salt master pre-seed function, which will be called if the -k (pre-seed master keys) option is passed. One of:
  1. To install salt, which, of course, is required, one of:
  1. Optionally, define a post install function, one of:
  1. Optionally, define a start daemons function, one of:


The start daemons function should be able to restart any daemons which are running, or start if they're not running.

  1. Optionally, define a daemons running function, one of:
  1. Optionally, check enabled Services:

Below is an example for Ubuntu Oneiric (the example may not be up to date with the script):

install_ubuntu_11_10_deps() {
    apt-get update
    apt-get -y install python-software-properties
    add-apt-repository -y 'deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ oneiric universe'
    add-apt-repository -y ppa:saltstack/salt

install_ubuntu_11_10_post() {
    add-apt-repository -y --remove 'deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ oneiric universe'

install_ubuntu_stable() {
    apt-get -y install salt-minion

install_ubuntu_restart_daemons() {
    for fname in minion master syndic; do

        # Skip if not meant to be installed
        [ $fname = "minion" ] && [ $INSTALL_MINION -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
        [ $fname = "master" ] && [ $INSTALL_MASTER -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue
        [ $fname = "syndic" ] && [ $INSTALL_SYNDIC -eq $BS_FALSE ] && continue

        if [ -f /sbin/initctl ]; then
            # We have upstart support
            /sbin/initctl status salt-$fname > /dev/null 2>&1
            if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
                # upstart knows about this service, let's stop and start it.
                # We could restart but earlier versions of the upstart script
                # did not support restart, so, it's safer this way
                /sbin/initctl stop salt-$fname > /dev/null 2>&1
                /sbin/initctl start salt-$fname > /dev/null 2>&1
                [ $? -eq 0 ] && continue
                # We failed to start the service, let's test the SysV code bellow
        /etc/init.d/salt-$fname stop > /dev/null 2>&1
        /etc/init.d/salt-$fname start

Since there is no install_ubuntu_11_10_stable() it defaults to the unspecified version script.

The bootstrapping script must be plain POSIX sh only, not bash or another shell script. By design the targeting for each operating system and version is very specific. Assumptions of supported versions or variants should not be made, to avoid failed or broken installations.

I Found a Bug

If you found a possible problem, or bug, please try to bootstrap using the develop version. The issue you are having might have already been fixed and it's just not yet included in the stable version.

curl -o bootstrap-salt.sh -L https://bootstrap.saltstack.com/develop
sudo sh bootstrap-salt.sh git develop

Or the insecure one liner:

curl -L https://bootstrap.saltstack.com/develop | sudo sh -s -- git develop

If after trying this and the problem still occurs, please file an issue.

Testing in Vagrant

You can use Vagrant to easily test changes on a clean machine. The Vagrantfile defaults to an Ubuntu box. First, install Vagrant, then:

vagrant up
vagrant ssh

Running in Docker

Also you are able to run and use Salt inside Docker container on Linux machine. Let's prepare the Docker image using provided Dockerfile to install both Salt Master and Minion with the bootstrap script:

docker build -t local/salt-bootstrap .

Start your new container with Salt services up and running:

docker run --detach --name salt --hostname salt local/salt-bootstrap

And finally "enter" the running container and make Salt fully operational:

docker exec -i -t salt /bin/bash
salt-key -A -y

Salt is ready and working in the Docker container with Minion authenticated on Master.


The Dockerfile here inherits Ubuntu 14.04 public image with Upstart configured as init system. Consider it as an example or starting point of how to make your own Docker images with suitable Salt components, custom configurations and even pre-accepted Minion key already installed.