Web app starter template with React, React Router, ES6 (via Babel), CoffeeScript, Express/Node.js, Semantic-UI, Gulp and more.
- Fork and/or clone
- Run
npm install
- Start the dev server by running
$(npm bin)/gulp
- Visit http://localhost:3000
- Get to work!
- Facebook's React for client side view and controller logic
- React Router for client side routing
- ES6 (via Babel)
- CoffeeScript with React sugar (.cjsx)
- Normalize-CSS for normalization of default element styles across browsers
- Semantic-UI CSS framework
- LESS for extended styling capabilities
- Autoprefixer for automatic vendor prefixing
- JQuery because semantic wants it (use React for most client side view rendering / manipulation)
- Webpack for client side CommonJS modules and script concatenation
- Express for server side logic
- Gulp for building and change monitoring
- LiveReload
- Client side scripts are concatenated using Webpack. The main entry point is client.cjsx. From here you can require() other .cjsx, .coffee, .jsx, or .js files.
- ES6 is supported in JS and JSX files; these are transpiled to ES5 via Babel. There's an example of this in
. - The main stylesheet entry point is styles.less.
- The server entry point is server.coffee.
Install a live reload plugin for your browser (e.g. RemoteLiveReload for Chrome) to instantly see your changes in the browser when a client side file (cjsx/coffee/jsx/js/less/css/html) changes.