
Files to support Rap's Intro to Google Flutter Presentation

Primary LanguageDart


Files to support Rap's Flutter First Steps Presentation

Connect with Rap

I'd love to connect with you to provide any help I can with learning Flutter. Please reach out.


You'll find solutions at several stages. Feel free to pick up a solution at any point and work on it from there. To run any solution, open it in IntelliJ or VS Code and run it through the debugger.

  • Checkpoint 1 - The boilerplate app with a new TodoApp stateful widget. Super simple.
  • Checkpoint 2 - New Todo business class. Initialized List<Todo>. Iterating them as Text()s
  • Checkpoint 3 - Changed the Texts to ListTiles.
  • Checkpoint 4 - Tapping the Todo now toggles the check_box icon.
  • Checkpoint 5 - Added the AddTodo widget. Can navigate between the two scenes.
  • Checkpoint 6 - Added a TextFormField. Passing the todo description back to TodoApp.
  • Checkpoint 7 - Adding the new Todo to the list and re-rendering the scene to draw it.
  • Checkpoint 8 - InputDecorations added to the TextFormField
  • Checkpoint 9 - Reading and saving all Todos to shared preferences

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