
Catalogue app displaying different products. A kotlin Jetpack compose app utilizing MVVM and clean architecture

Primary LanguageKotlin

Catalogue App



The Catalogue App is a Kotlin Jetpack Compose application that displays a variety of products. The app is built using MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel), MVI (Model-View-Intent), and follows a clean architecture pattern.


  • Utilizes Jetpack Compose for building modern UIs.
  • Implements MVVM and MVI architecture patterns for organized and scalable code.
  • Integrates Android Architecture Components, such as ViewModel and Paging.
  • Uses Dagger Hilt for dependency injection to enhance code modularity.
  • Incorporates Retrofit for network requests and data retrieval.
  • Integrates Room for local database storage.
  • Implements swipe-to-refresh functionality using Accompanist library.
  • Supports navigation using Navigation Compose and Hilt Navigation Compose.
  • Utilizes Coil Compose for efficient image loading.


Jetpack Compose

Additional Compose Libraries

Dagger Hilt


JSON Parsing


Build and Run

To build and run the project, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/deonwaju/Product-catalogue.git

Contribution Guidelines

We welcome contributions! If you would like to contribute to the Catalogue App, please follow our contribution guidelines.

MIT License

The Catalogue App is licensed under the License: MIT