
Documentation for External Contractor teams working on the Veteran-facing Services Platform

Primary LanguageRuby

Read and write access to this repo will be restricted beginning in January 2020. Please direct any questions or concerns to VSP’s Content & Information Architecture team. More details below.

This file is deprecated. The most recent information should be at https://github.com/department-of-veterans-affairs/va.gov-team/blob/master/platform/working-with-vsp/README.md

Documentation for VFS teams working on the Veteran-facing Services Platform (VSP)


Repo access restriction plan

As part of continued efforts to consolidate crucial documentation for building on VA.gov into one accessible place, much of the content in this repository has been migrated to the public va.gov-team repository (and some to the private va.gov-team-sensitive repository).

To reduce confusion and ensure that va.gov-team is the single source of truth for documentation, access to va.gov-vfs-teams (this repo) is being restricted beginning in January 2020. The timeline and access details are below.

Timeline for access restriction to va.gov-vfs-teams:

January 14, 2020: Write access to va.gov-vfs-teams is limited to key stakeholders in VSP and DEPO. (VFS teams lose write access.)

TBD: Read access to va.gov-vfs-teams is limited to all of VSP and DEPO. (VFS teams lose read access.)

Proposed access details

January 2020 Read access to va.gov-vfs-teams:

  • All of VSP
  • All of DEPO (anyone who currently has read or write access will retain read access)

Write access to va.gov-vfs-teams:

  • VSP Leadership (Nancy, Rachael, Emily, Andrew)
  • VSP Content & Information Architecture team: Megan, Matt, Peggy, Bill, Mikki
  • DEPO (platform co-leads)