
Hjson implementation for JavaScript

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status NPM version

Hjson, the Human JSON. A configuration file format that caters to humans and helps reduce the errors they make.

  # This is Hjson



  JSON is a great tool that does its job very well. Maybe too well. JSON is a
  great hammer but not everything is a nail.

  Configuration files are edited by end-users, not developers. Users should not
  have to worry about putting commas in the correct place. Software should
  empower the user not hinder him.


  "JSON": "is Hjson",

  but: commas and quotes are optional!
  and: those are allowed: // /**/ #
  so:  less mistakes, more comments ;-)

For details see hjson.org.

Install from npm

npm install hjson


var Hjson = require('hjson');

var obj = Hjson.parse(hjsonText);
var text2 = Hjson.stringify(obj);

To keep comments intact see API.

From the Commandline

Install with npm install hjson -g.

usage: hjson [OPTIONS] [INPUT]

  hjson can be used to convert JSON from/to Hjson.

  hjson will read the given JSON/Hjson input file or read from stdin.
  - without options: will output as Hjson.
  - with -j or -json: will output as formatted JSON.
  - with -c or -json=compact: will output as JSON.


  • run hjson test.json > test.hjson to convert to Hjson
  • run hjson -j test.hjson > test.json to convert to JSON


The API is the same for the browser and node.js version.

Hjson.parse(text, options)

This method parses JSON or Hjson text to produce an object or array.

  • text: the string to parse as JSON or Hjson
  • options: object
    • keepWsc: boolean, keep white space and comments. This is useful if you want to edit an hjson file and save it while preserving comments (default false)

Hjson.stringify(value, options)

This method produces Hjson text from a JavaScript value.

  • value: any JavaScript value, usually an object or array.
  • options: object
    • keepWsc: boolean, keep white space. See parse.
    • bracesSameLine: boolean, makes braces appear on the same line as the key name. Default false.
    • quotes: string, controls how strings are displayed.
      • "min": no quotes whenever possible (default)
      • "always": always use quotes
    • space: specifies the indentation of nested structures. If it is a number, it will specify the number of spaces to indent at each level. If it is a string (such as '\t' or ' '), it contains the characters used to indent at each level.
    • eol: specifies the EOL sequence (default is set by Hjson.setEndOfLine())

Hjson.endOfLine(), .setEndOfLine(eol)

Gets or sets the stringify EOL sequence ('\n' or '\r\n'). When running with node.js this defaults to os.EOL.

Hjson.rt { parse, stringify }

This is a shortcut to roundtrip your comments when reading and updating a config file. It is the same as specifying the keepWsc option for the parse and stringify functions.

modify & keep comments

You can modify a Hjson file and keep the whitespace & comments intact (round trip). This is useful if an app updates its config file.

// parse, keep whitespace and comments
// (they are stored in a non enumerable __WSC__ member)
var data = Hjson.rt.parse(text);

// modify like you normally would
data.foo = "text";

// you can also edit comments by accessing __WSC__
var wsc = data.__WSC__;
// __WSC__ for objects contains { c: {}, o: [] }
// - c with the actual comment and
// - o (array) with the order of the members
wsc.c.hugo = "just another test";
wsc.o.splice(2, 0, "hugo");
data.hugo = "value";

data.arrayWithComments = [ "a" ];
// __WSC__ for arrays is just an array with the
// comments ([0] for the space before the elements)
data.arrayWithComments.__WSC__ = [ "before a", "after a" ];

// convert back to Hjson


  • v1.6.3
    • added stringify options
  • v1.6.1
    • fixed stringify with options===null
  • v1.6.0
    • Added rt (roundtrip) shortcut.
  • v1.5.0
    • Added support for the simplified syntax for keys. Previously only alphanumeric keys were allowed without quotes.
    • Fixed multiline strings: OS/file independent (EOL is always \n). Also the last LF is removed.
  • v1.4.0
    • Changed the browser interface to match the node api (which didn't change).
    • Fixed parse for leading zeros ("00") and trailing comments.
    • Fixed stringify for /**/ and //
    • Added more test cases.
  • v1.3.0
    • Added support for the simplified syntax.
  • v1.2.0
    • Added old fashioned /**/ comments.
    • Fixed the missing EOL (cli only).
  • v1.1.0
    • add // support
  • v1.0.2
    • stringify bug fixes
  • v1.0.0
    • Switched to v1 for semver.
    • Adds editing support via the { keepWsc: true } option.
    • Removes stringify(value, replacer, space) replacer support
    • You can still use this syntax but replacer will no longer be called. This was removed in favor of editing support and because replacer provided an incomplete solution.