- 0
Support cloudbuild.yaml files for google cloudbuild
#11105 opened by nate-selzer - 0
NuGet updater needs to pull all transitive packages to determine if update possible
#11103 opened by brettfo - 0
NuGet updater is missing an opportunity to report dependency update not possible if source has to package in `packages.config` scenario
#11102 opened by brettfo - 0
NuGet dependency discovery is missing an opportunity to report `dependency_file_not_found`
#11101 opened by brettfo - 0
NuGet with `packages.config` has issues when MSBuild `Pkg` variables are used.
#11100 opened by brettfo - 0
- 0
[Grouped updates] Incorrect "Skipping <dependency> as it has already been handled by a previous group"
#11093 opened by edmorley - 4
dotnet tools update fails if tool is not in csproj file
#11008 opened by batje - 4
Using Private Shared GitHub Action Workflows in my Organisation breaks dependabot
#11018 opened by baynezy - 2
NPM Install from a private registry
#11038 opened by steve-gombos - 0
`dotnet-sdk` illformed requirement
#11074 opened by JamieMagee - 0
- 3
- 0
Version suffix should be respected
#11068 opened by yeikel - 0
NuGet dependency discovery is missing an opportunity to report `dependency_file_not_parsable`
#10954 opened by brettfo - 1
Generates empty PRs from pinned commits
#11020 opened by lishaduck - 1
Dependabot is stuck in "checking now"
#11019 opened by balakrishna211221 - 1
- 0
Go tidy not run in grouped go.mod updates
#11046 opened by ivanvc - 0
Dependabot ignores constraints in .yml and package.json, creating PRs for minor version updates
#11045 opened by lakshmimsft - 1
Lock file update fails if project is windows specific
#11036 opened by na1307 - 0
- 5
@Dependabot API ignore major version seemingly not working
#10923 opened by smcvb - 0
Dependabot cannot update package because of git_dependency_reference_not_found
#11022 opened by paivin-dn - 0
NuGet updater should set `VersionOverride` attribute when value in Directory.Packages.props doesn't match
#11012 opened by brettfo - 22
Dependabot enforcing engine-strict but with an old npm on Action Runners in last few days
#10982 opened by broksonic21 - 0
Exclude failing package updates from grouped PR
#11010 opened by mpro7 - 1
- 1
Dependabot creating PR too soon after last PR auto-merges, resulting in on out-of-date with base branch
#10969 opened by devanubis - 0
Groups are all messed up
#10971 opened by lishaduck - 0
- 0
from version not logged for pip package ecosystem
#10967 opened by daveisfera - 0
- 1
Don't allow NuGet tasks to call vulnerability APIs
#10964 opened by brettfo - 0
Dependabot suggests version bump that conflicts with version spec in pyproject.toml
#10962 opened by DonDebonair - 0
[berry] when `.yarnrc.yml` have plugin, fail as `dependency_file_not_resolvable`
#10961 opened by ncaq - 0
Dependabot fails with unknown error
#10945 opened by akurtakov - 0
NuGet updater needs to sideline `Directory.Build.rsp` files with environment variables
#10943 opened by brettfo - 0
- 0
- 1
- 0
Dependabot doesn't use pre-install hook
#10927 opened by VincentLanglet - 0
Dependabot updates the all images in a yaml spec that have the same tag (despite for only one the new tag exists)
#10930 opened by chicco785 - 0
dependabot version update is failing with yarn
#10928 opened by MDSLKTR - 1
dependabot not picking up github-actions updates using semver
#10924 opened by v1v - 0
- 0
Bump Golang group deps with replace directive
#10925 opened by mcbenjemaa - 1
- 0
- 0
Add HTTP support (for private, self-hosted project management systems like gitlab)
#10898 opened by ITaluone