
Primary LanguageJavaScript

How to run the exercises

  • To access deployed API use the following base URL:
    • pacific-thicket-13558.herokuapp.com
  • You can use Postman or Curl to access the /messages and /messages/hash endpoints

For Exercies 2 and 3

  • You will need Node and NPM installed on your local machine
  • Run 'npm install' from the root of the app directory
  • Then follow the steps below for the specific exercise

Exercise 2
  • from the root of the app run
    • npm run exercise-2 <text-file.txt> <2500>
      • example test file located in ./exercise-2/prices.txt
      • second argument is the target price
Exercise 3
  • from the root of the app run
    • npm run exercise-3 <10X10X0X>
      • argument is a string value with an n number of X's

Running tests

  • From the root of the app, run npm test