Automatic recognition of handwritten mathematical expressions

Bachelor thesis project (Advisor: prof. Nanni Loris).

CROHME competion:
CROHME dataset used:!EgFHGSxT!6pCv6zrRMBjOSYPXrDFysnLayw-H9XQGsJF9lanb4Bw

How to use:

  • download the CROHME dataset.
  • execute the ImgGenerator script to generate the images for task 2 given offline data (The file is in crohme\Task1_and_Task2\Task1_and_Task2\Task2_offlineRec ).
  • download the detector and put the "detection" folder in the same path of the "crohme" folder.
  • execute the matlab script "solve.m" to run the system, the result ("res" variable) will be displayed at the end of the process in the command window, togheter with the intermediate and final image of the process.

To see some example look at