- 0
Initialize only with App Id and App Hash
#85 opened by pedroota - 4
- 8
Getting timeouts when trying to send images
#25 opened by SyRenity - 1
Error: read ECONNRESET
#79 opened by vbauer - 0
- 1
Unhandled rejection Error: read ECONNRESET
#83 opened by xangel99 - 11
Error: Gateway error.
#81 opened by vbauer - 9
Edited messages causes library to break
#80 opened by fcanela - 0
"sendContact" not work
#76 opened by denisx - 1
#31 opened by smhmayboudi - 0
- 1
- 1
- 5
Quick fix for a problem with edited messages (no `msg.message`; but messages include a `msg.edited_message`)
#70 opened by convexset - 1
.on fired twice
#67 opened by zigmund - 6
release 0.1.4 - bug with BOT /getUpdates
#49 opened by offerm - 1
pulling and http 409 error
#69 opened by offerm - 1
getFile without dir parameter
#68 opened by miguelpeixe - 35
Bot silently stops pulling/responding
#53 opened by trashbytes - 4
"/error" crashes the bot
#63 opened by trashbytes - 2
Native promise
#65 opened by shernshiou - 1
Inline bots
#66 opened by rdev - 3
Improve documentation on use of Bot commands
#26 opened by iambibhas - 0
#24 opened by shernshiou - 0
Complete Test Suite with Mocha
#38 opened by shernshiou - 4
Move to bluebird
#13 opened by shernshiou - 4
Channel support and new Chat type?
#54 opened by rdev - 1
- 4
setwebhook with self-signed certificate
#39 opened by mansarip - 3
Error HTTP 409
#57 opened by sebastianarena - 9
Command not parsed if containing '@'
#45 opened by longstone - 2
Send gif
#55 opened by gielcobben - 6
Bot analytics integration
#34 opened by ollmer - 14
Bot Termination and Startup Issue
#50 opened by boseji - 1
Somebody broke my argument parsing
#48 opened by rdev - 6
Add new getFile API
#47 opened by pennyfx - 8
Handling response error crashes
#42 opened by sebastianarena - 1
How do you handle incoming audio messages?
#46 opened by pennyfx - 3
- 2
#33 opened by smhmayboudi - 5
Commands on group chats
#30 opened by webnetedgar - 2
Check access token integration
#36 opened - 2
Problem with
#35 opened - 4
Command parsing
#21 opened by sebastianarena - 0
Http server for Webhook
#28 opened by shernshiou - 2
Handle Telegram outage gracefully
#16 opened by Christilut - 2
Multipart stream parameter
#14 opened by Christilut - 3
TypeError: Cannot call method 'split' of undefined
#20 opened by vbauer - 2
What is token supposed to be?
#18 opened by chevdor - 0
Sending stickers to bot is crashing
#15 opened by rizwankce