
Eliminate redundant recompilation when building multiple iOS app flavours or variants.

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

Image of XcodeSurgery


XcodeSurgery is a swift XCode build phase CLI tool for copying compiled binaries between iOS app targets.

The downside with using xcconfig or preprocessor macros to manage build variants

Building different build variants using configuration will trigger recompilation as the build processes do not share common $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR). Changing preprocessor macro values will trigger dependency graph reanalysis and recompilation of codes. Ideally there should not be recompilation if there's no change in the logic of the source codes.

Installing XCodeSurgery

XcodeSurgery is available through Mint 🌱.

mint install depoon/XcodeSurgery

Mint can be installed via Homebrew

brew install mint

Using XcodeSurgery Express

Add XcodeSurgery Package to your project.

Image of XcodeSurgery

Select VariantEncryption and XcodeSurgeryKit products and add them to your application target. Image of XcodeSurgery

Building Variants using same target

Image of XcodeSurgery

1. Create variant feature plist files.

Don't worry, we will encrypt the files before using them in our application.

2. Generate encryption key

xcodesurgery express keygen

This will create a hidden .xcodesurgery/secret folder in the root project folder and generate random password and salt file for use in the encrypt/decrypt process. Image of XcodeSurgery

3. Create separate XCSchemes for building and running each variant.

4. Add the generated files into your project.

Solution: Create a placeholder target and swap binaries.

XcodeSurgery aims to eliminate unnecessary recompilation of source codes when building different flavours or variants of an iOS app target.

Build Time Savings

Copy Build Settings

4 Simple Steps to Setup XcodeSurgery in your Project

  1. Create a new app target. We will refer this as the Destination Target and the original target as the Source Target Copy Build Settings

Do note that you do not need to clone the Source Target

  1. Copy Build Settings of Source Target over to Destination Target.

Copy Build Settings

  1. Add Preparation Build Phase for Source Target using the following command
xcodesurgery prepare \
--workingDirectory "<WorkingDirectory>" \
--targetBuildDirectory ${TARGET_BUILD_DIR} \
--targetName "${TARGETNAME}"
  1. Add Transplant Build Phase for Destination Target using the following command
xcodesurgery transplant \
--action ${ACTION} \
--targetBuildDirectory ${TARGET_BUILD_DIR} \
--workingDirectory "<WorkingDirectory>" \
--sourceTarget "<SourceTargetName>" \
--destinationTarget ${TARGETNAME} \
--sdkName ${SDK_NAME}

To build the variants

  1. Build the Source Target

  2. Build the Destination Target

Deploying the app variants

Run the Destination Target and observe that you can deploy a clone app of the Source Target

You can modify the Destination Target build settings with different bundle identifiers, code signing instructions and provisioning profiles to create different build variants.

xcodesurgery Command Arguments


Argument Name Comments
workingDirectory Directory where target source app will be copied to
targetBuildDirectory ${TARGET_BUILD_DIR} environment argument of source target
targetName ${TARGETNAME} environment argument of source target


Argument Name Comments
action ${ACTION} environment argument of destination target
workingDirectory Directory where target source app will be copied to
targetBuildDirectory ${TARGET_BUILD_DIR} environment argument of destination target
targetName ${TARGETNAME} environment argument of destination target
sourceTarget Name of the source target
destinationTarget ${TARGETNAME} environment argument of destination target
sdkName ${SDK_NAME} environment argument of destination target
debugInformationFormat ${DEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT} environment argument of destination target
filesToRemove list of files in sourceTarget app to remove
filesToInject list of files to copy into destinationTarget app

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Does XcodeSurgery has dSYM support?
  2. I am getting errors because my app does not use Scene Delegate
  3. We are still compiling source codes for each variant
  4. The app variant is not picking up the correct icon
  5. Why use XcodeSurgery when you can simply re-sign the app?

How to prepare your projects for XcodeSurgery

If you are currently using user-defined-settings or preprocessor macros in your project, you may not be able to take advantage of time savings with having just one compile process.

Here's a quick adjustment you can make to prepare your project for XcodeSurgery

1. Adding custom entry in your app target's Info.plist

Adding custom entry in your app target's Info.plist Create a new string-value entry in your target's Info.plist file to indiciate which variant you are building.

2. Read custom entry from Info.plist

Read the custom entry from Info.plist and use the corresponding value to create your variant values for your app.

let env = Bundle.main.infoDictionary?["MY_ENVIRONMENT"] as! String

Do take note that this is trade off between having extra code in your application and improvments on build time. If you encounter any issues or difficulties to integrate XcodeSurgery into your project, do help to raise an issue.

Coming Soon

Support for Extensions. Help raise an issue for one. I welcome contributions to help grow the capabilities of this repository.