Tool for using the battle-tested `bin/celery` worker to consume vanilla AMQP messages (i.e. not Celery tasks)
- anentropicLondon, UK
- dipstefLondon
- drouchy
- jonasanso
- ozgunatacanBergama
- ultim8kLondon, UK
- jhcloos
- mikesligo
- pallamidessiLondon
- alexflav23London, United Kingdom
- swanc
- danhodkinsonLondon
- mrbaboon
- roberterdinLondon
- rymirLondon
- luismfonseca
- legioner21Cheboksary
- xiaoxisun
- tundeszirakLondon
- Prokuratdm
- aakus
- CammoyLondon, England
- JoseKiloLondon
- jfrfonsecaMinas Gerais, Brazil
- mathant
- adrianmajoLondon
- FashishLondon
- anastasialopezUnited Kingdom
- MaxLitvinov
- laxmikantmLondon
- eliwalk
- kellermanvCluj-Napoca
- LATaylor-guardianLondon, England
- gvonness
- tanyaeccleston
- GuyStoneLondon, UK