
Mango Messenger Angular FrontEnd

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Until I came here, the code looked like complete crap. You either go and read Angular's doc, or don't bother with it at all, you fucking morons

Mango Messenger Angular Frontend

Mango Messenger Logo

Build Azure Dev Deploy Azure QA Deploy Heroku contributors count

What is all about

Mango Messenger is an opensource instant messaging system such that implemented using ASP NET 5 framework as REST API backend along with Angular framework as frontend. In general, current project is considered to be a diploma project in order to get bachelor's degree of computer science. However, now it is considered to be a just example of ASP .NET Core API implementation using best practices in terms of architecture etc, where it is possible to apply different software development approaches and to see how it works on different environments such as Azure, Heroku etc. Moreover, a few cryptographical concepts are implemented such as DH key exchange that can be applied in order to implement secret chats in feature. Current frontend implementation has three basic components:

  • Main: component responsible for files and messages exchange

Mango Messenger Logo

  • Contacts: component responsible for contacts management

Mango Messenger Logo

  • Personal settings: component responsible for user information management

Mango Messenger Logo

Build and run locally

Perform the following steps:

  • Install NVM: https://github.com/coreybutler/nvm-windows
  • Install NodeJS 14.17.3 via NVM: nvm install 14.17.3
  • Open PowerShell as Administrator and type: nvm use 14.17.3
  • Check NodeJS installed properly: node -v
  • Fork this repository
  • Clone forked repository locally: git clone https://github.com/${{ username }}/MangoMessengerFrontend.git
  • Go to the project folder
  • Restore packages: npm ci
  • Install Angular CLI globally: npm install -g @angular/cli@11.2.7
  • Open PowerShell as Administrator and type: Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
  • Check that Angular CLI installed properly: ng version
  • Run project: ng serve

Build and run in docker

  • Build image: docker build -t 1337322420/mango-angular-frontend:0.0.1 .
  • Run container: docker run -d -p 9080:80 --name mango_frontend 1337322420/mango-angular-frontend:0.0.1

Build and run desktop version using ElectronJS


Current project is deployed to the four environments as follows:


As image below shows


Tasks management

The opened tasks and issues to be organized an handled as follows:

  • Each task has an assigned number in the format MANGO-UI-ID
  • Active tasks are available on the Trello board: https://trello.com/b/DAmYVOmn/mango-frontend-trello
  • Each task branch is based on the actual develop branch and pull requested there on complete
  • Branch develop then merged to azure-dev, azure-qa, github-pages, master branches on particular milestone complete

Git flow

Version control to be organized as follows:

  • Fork this repository
  • Clone this repository using git clone https://github.com/${{ username }}/MangoMessengerFrontend.git
  • If repository is cloned already then pull last changes from develop using
    • git checkout develop
    • git pull
  • Create new branch based on develop with name according to MANGO-UI-ID of the task
  • Solve the task
  • Create pull request to develop

Commit messages

  • In case of bug fix, example of commit message bugfix: some bug fixed
  • In case of feature, example of commit message feature: some new functionality added
  • In case of refactor, example of commit message refactor: some code part refactored

Logo Attribution

Icons made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com