
Be warned if there are open git stashes for current branch

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Be aware of your git stashes!

This little script reminds you that you have open git stashes for the current branch. Never forget your stashes again!


Let's say you have to stash some code to check another branch. If you later switch back to the branch where you made the stash you will get a message:

$ git checkout feature/awesome
Switched to branch 'feature/awesome'
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/feature/awesome'.

Stashes for current branch:
stash@{0}: On feature/awesome: my stashed changes



git clone git@github.com:depressiveRobot/stash-aware.git ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins/stash-aware
echo "plugins+=(stash-aware)" >> ~/.zshrc

You can also place the plugin in the plugins=(...) array of your ~/.zshrc manually.


zgen load depressiveRobot/stash-aware


antigen bundle depressiveRobot/stash-aware


The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) [2015] [Marvin Frommhold]