
Providing Indonesian Banks as payment method for WooCommerce

Primary LanguagePHP

=== WooCommerce Indonesian Bank Payment Gateways - Providing Indonesian Banks as payment method for WooCommerce ===
Contributors: fikrirasyid
Tags: ecommerce, e-commerce, commerce, woothemes, wordpress ecommerce, bank, indonesian banks
Requires at least: 3.9
Tested up to: 3.9
Stable tag: 0.1
License: GPLv3
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html

== Description ==

**WooCommerce Indonesian Bank Payment Gateways** is a WooCommerce extension which provides Indonesian banks (BCA and Mandiri for the time being) as payment method for checkout on WooCommerce. Common Indonesian E-Stores still rely on direct transfer as its payment method hence this plugin is made. This plugin does nothing except:

1. Providing list of Indonesian Banks during checkout
2. Providing Bank information on order notes on the dashboard, customer email, etc

![ui upon checkout](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/916442/3700913/3ebfb8c6-13e8-11e4-9279-237c11db1c08.png)
![ui upon checkout completion](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/916442/3700914/3ec385fa-13e8-11e4-90fb-59c2ad390b3e.png)

No action performed or cart amount changed upon order. **This plugin assumes that the payment will be handled by direct bank transfer**.

This plugin is released as courtesy of [Hijapedia.com](http://hijapedia.com). I originally made this plugin for [Hijapedia Store](http://store.hijapedia.com) and convinced my employer that there is a greater good for everyone by releasing this plugin as an open source plugin.