
A simple, persistent key/value cache with no dependencies.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


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A simple, persistent key/value cache with no dependencies.


$ pip install pepper-cache


  • create_cache - Creates a Cache instance.
    • name: str|Path - The name of the cache instance, also used for the directory relative to $HOME/.cache if no path is supplied
    • path: str = None - The directory in which to store cache files relative to $HOME/.cache
    • serializer: "pickle"|"json" = "pickle" - The serializer to use when writing values to the disk, defaults to "pickle"
my_cache = create_cache("my cache", path="my_app/my_cache", serializer="json")
my_cache = create_cache("my cache")  # path arg omitted, path would be $HOME/.cache/my_cache

  • get_cache - Retrieves a Cache instance.
    • name: str - The name of the cache instance to retrieve
    • create: bool - Whether to create the cache if it does not exist
my_cache = get_cache("my cache")
my_cache = get_cache("nonexistent cache")  # None
my_cache = get_cache("nonexistent cache", create=True)  # Now exists!

  • Cache.set - Sets an item in the cache. Existing items will be overwritten.
    • key: str - The name of the cached value
    • value: Any - The value to store
    • ttl: int = 0 - The time in milliseconds that the value should remain in the cache or 0 for indefinitely, defaults to 0
cache.set("my key", my_value)  # stored indefinitely
cache.set("my key", my_value, ttl=1000)  # stored for one second

  • Cache.get - Retrieves a value from the cache if it exists and has not expired.
    • key: str - The key of the cache item to retrieve
    • default: Any - The default value to return if the value is not stored
my_value = cache.get("my key 2")  # returns None if the value is not stored or has expired. Consider checking if the item exists below
my_value = cache.get("my key 2", default="now has a value")

  • Cache.has - Returns True if an item exists in the cache by its key.
    • key: str - The key of the cache item to check the existence of
if not cache.has("my key 2"):
    cache.set("my key 2", "has a value!")

  • Cache.delete - Deletes an item from the cache if it exists.
    • key: str - The key of the cache item to delete from the cache
cache.delete("my key 2"):
cache.get("my key 2")  # None

"pepper" comes from the code name of a project of mine and instead of writing packages like this specifically for the project, I decided to instead make them full on Python packages that anyone can use.