
Scripts used for releasing Attest products.


These scripts are run from our CI processes "as-is". If unexpected/breaking changes are made to any of these scripts, it's very likely a deployment or build of something else will break. Please be extra cautious when working in this repository.


These scripts are meant to be run from within CircleCI. You probably don't want to run any of these scripts locally.

The scripts make the following assumptions:

  • jq is available on $PATH
  • github-release is in $GOPATH/bin
  • GITHUB_TOKEN is exported (and valid)


Creates GitHub Releases in Node (and Lerna) projects. Will derive the release name from the "version" key in lerna.json or package.json.

Creates GitHub Releases in Java projects. Will derive the release name from the "version" key in pom.xml.

Creates GitHub Releases in Ruby projects. Will derive the release name from the "version" key in *.gemspec.

Build and deploy a Docker image to ECR.

Requires the following environment variables to be exported:

  • CIRCLE_BRANCH (always set by CircleCI)
  • DEV_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY (set by the html-team CircleCI context)
  • DEV_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID (set by the html-team CircleCI context)
  • DEV_ECR (your service's dev ECR)
  • QA_ECR (your service's QA ECR) [options]

  Build and push a Docker image to ECR. Uses the current Git SHA as the
  image's version number and $CIRCLE_BRANCH to derive which ECR to
  push to.

  If $PROD_ECR is not set, will push to the $DEV_ECR and append
  a "-production" suffix to the image. This functionality will be
  removed once all services are setup to deploy to their production

    --dockerfile=[path]    Path to the Dockerfile (defaults to ".")
    --docker-args=[args]   Arguments to pass to `docker build`
    --suffix=[suffix]      Suffix to add to the image tag
    --force                Force the script to push a "dev" image

The --force flag is useful for testing Docker deployments. It should only be used in "special" scenarios (eg repository/service setup).


Build/push ./Dockerfile with no additional arguments passed to Docker with the default image tag:


Build/push ./service/Dockerfile and set the npm_auth build-arg:

./ --docker-args="--build-arg npm_auth='$NPM_AUTH_PRIVATE' --dockerfile="./service"

Build/push ./Dockerfile with the -stephentest suffix:

./ --suffix="-stephentest"

The zip-dir-upload-to-artifactory script zip's a given directory and uploads the zip file to artifactory (agora). The script accepts 2 arguments, in the below order respectively:

Argument Description
dir ($1) (Mandatory) the directory to zip
prefix ($2) (Optional) a prefix to the zip file name
name ($2) (Optional) name used as path under artifactory repository to where the zip file will be uploaded
version ($2) (Optional) version number used to construct the zip file name

Usage: dist "next-$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)"

where argument, dist is the directory to zip and next-$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) is an optional prefix to the generated zip file name.

Note: The zip-dir-upload-to-artifactory script is put together for use in CI (circle), and expects ARTIFACTORY_REPO and ARTIFACTORY_API_KEY as environment variables. Ensure these are configured and available when used in other setups.


The md-to-html script converts a given collection of markdown files to html. The script accepts 2 arguments in the below order respectively:

Argument Description
inputDir ($1) (Mandatory) input directory containing markdown files to convert
destDir ($1) (Mandatory) destination directory to created the converted html files

Usage: docs output

where argument, docs are the markdown files and output is the directory in which the html files are created.

