
The action attempted has been deemed abusive or is otherwise disallowed

mbirth opened this issue Β· 23 comments

This is the error I get for some hours now:

102053: 2020-05-28 01:31:11,196 INFO  libpurple: http:Request 0xaaaaf732aea0 performed without success.
102053: 2020-05-28 01:31:11,197 INFO  libpurple: connection:Connection error on 0xaaaaf6f73b00 (reason: 2 description: The action attempted has been deemed abusive or is otherwise disallowed)
102053: 2020-05-28 01:31:11,199 INFO  libpurple: account:Disconnecting account ****** (0xaaaaf6fe62a0)

It was working without any problems for the last several weeks.

Same as bitlbee/bitlbee-facebook#194 - bump "Buddy list sync interval" to a high value, as a workaround.

ijula commented

Confirmed. Setting the sync-interval to a higher value avoids this. The default is 5 (minutes). I used 1440 (which is 24 hours), so far so good.

The sync setting doesn't work for me because I can't even login. Following the instructions on for proxying also didn't work :-(

This started happening for me a couple days ago. Changing the sync interval seems to do the trick for now for me.

I'm using Windows and I didn't build Pidgin from source. Is that the only way to customize the sync interval?

ijula commented

I'm using Windows and I didn't build Pidgin from source. Is that the only way to customize the sync interval?

@psychonaut25 You don't have to. That parameter is exposed as a configurable setting. Go to Accounts, Modify, then Advanced.


I have been struggling with this for 2 days now, finally found this forum. I set mine to 120 minutes (2 hours), hopefully this is enough. Seems to be a change on Facebook's end, would just need the default setting upped, I think.

Same issue. It started yesterday roughly at 12 am. Increasing sync interval did not fix it, and it doesn't happen during every sync interval.

It's great that we can set this by configuration value, but is a PR needed to push the default value (currently 5) up by some amount so as to not trigger this abuse check?

It's great that we can set this by configuration value, but is a PR needed to push the default value (currently 5) up by some amount so as to not trigger this abuse check?

Increasing the default value does not solve the problem (at least not for me). It sometimes doesn't happen at the default value, and sometimes happens at high values. After looking at the logs, it appears that accessing the facebook graph API is a cause.


@yzhou1996 how high did you increase it? 120 minutes (2 hours) was not high enough for me, whereas I have had no issues since I set it to 1440 minutes I have had no issues.

@yzhou1996 how high did you increase it? 120 minutes (2 hours) was not high enough for me, whereas I have had no issues since I set it to 1440 minutes I have had no issues.

I have tried 1440 as well, which seemed to work for a day. I have also reset it to 5 and it worked for a day. On any setting, it's hit or miss for me. I never get these messages from 1 am to 9 am for some reason.

I currently have this option on 1140 and it seems to be ok for last few days. However, I had some troubles even with this value.

I also noticed that the problems started when one of group chats was a bit more active, even though it was not handled by purple-facebook and spectrum. I'm not sure if it was related or just a coincidence.

acli commented

I also noticed that the problems started when one of group chats was a bit more active, even though it was not handled by purple-facebook and spectrum. I'm not sure if it was related or just a coincidence.

This just started happening to me two days ago. None of my group chats was active so my guess is probably not.

same issue here, changing the sync to see if there will be any improvement.

What is the lowest interval that has worked for anyone? 1440?

acli commented

I haven’t tried anything lower than 1440

This error just happened to me.

rmk92 commented

Been having the same problem here repetitively, adjusted to 1440 and will keep an eye for further occurences.

I am having the same issue, even after setting the interval to 1440 facebook still locks me out of my own account and I'm forced to change password and refresh the app passwords.

same problem ocurrs to me now :(

I seem to have managed mitigating the issue by redoing the login from pidgin while having a browser open on facebook, this triggered a message on the website asking me to confirm that it was me who was logging on.
After confirming I didn't have any more issues.

Probably some token issue.