
A simple reddit bot that tags users who post in "impure" subreddits for the memes

Primary LanguagePython


A simple reddit bot that tags users who post in "impure" subreddits.

Made for the memes to be had in /r/destiny


The bot currently supports two modes

  1. Automatic tagging of all "impure" comments
  2. Purity test on request for posts/comments with configurable command


The bot relies on two ini files in the current working directory to function.

  • praw.ini : contains the reddit api configuration for praw
  • puritybot.ini : contains all the purity bot specific configurations


This is the main configuration file for the bot. It supports the following configuration keys.

Key Description Default
HarassmentCooldownSeconds The number of seconds to wait between tagging comments made by the same user 900
PostLookbackPeriod The number of posts to look back 200
PurityThreshold The number of impure posts to tolerate before the user fails the purity test 3
ImpureSubDisplayName The comma seperate list of "impure" subreddits ChapoTrapHouse,The_Donald,Hasan_Piker
SubredditToScan The subreddit to scan destiny
OnlyOnCommand Only do purity tests on request true
BotCommand The bot purity test command !puritytest


The bot includes a simple Dockerfile that packages things up into a runnable environment. You should make sure that you configure your praw.ini file before building the image.