- Show time
- Set time
- Show temperature
- Send image
- Send animation loops
- Scrolling of images
- Create text image
- 3 brightness modes (light, dark, off)
Following static byte array can be sent to show time: 01 04 00 45 00 49 00 02
Following bytes can be sent to set the time. Postfix and Invalid bytes applies here. 01 0b 00 18 11 14 0b 1c 05 05 POSTFIX
Following static byte array can be sent to temperature time: 01 04 00 45 03 04 4a 00 02
8 bytes PREFIX 50-100 bytes DATA 3-5 bytes POSTFIX
01 39 00 44 00 0a 0a 04
One pixel is represented by half a byte. The lower byte is the the first (left) pixel. 50 bytes are 100 half bytes. Ordered in rows. There are 8 colors: 0-7 where 0 is black and 7 is white.
- 0 = black
- 1 = red
- 2 = green
- 3 = yellow
- 4 = blue
- 5 = pink
- 6 = light blue
- 7 = white
- Within this data, the invalid bytes procedure is applied as decribed in the text.
If some data contains invalid bytes they are masked. invalid bytes are 0x01, 0x02 and 0x03. masking procedure is: first prepend the byte with another byte (0x03) then add 0x03 to the invalid byte and append it. example: original = 0x01 -> corrected 0x03 0x04
- byte lower byte of the SUM over (PREFIX without first byte) + DATA (invalid bytes error correction applies here - so these may be two bytes)
- byte upper byte of the SUM over (PREFIX without first byte) + DATA (invalid bytes error correction applies here - so these may be two bytes)
- byte "02"
Very similar to sending simple images. You just send several packages containing each single images with slightly different header. However the prefix changes slightly. The static part looks like this: 3b 00 49 00 0a 0a 04 The next byte is the number of the image in the animation starting with 0. Note that invalid bytes error correction applies here - so there may be two bytes. The following byte is the time each single image is shown, smaller number means faster.
Allows to send images wider than the box can display and scroll them running to the left.
Write text into an image that suits to be displayed as single image or via the scoll functionality.
Font used here: http://kottke.org/plus/type/silkscreen/ Created open format using: otf2bdf -p 8 -r 72 -o slkscr.bdf slkscr.ttf Created PIL like format using: pilfont.py slkscr.bdf
Following static byte array can be sent to show bright, dark and to deactivate display: 01 04 00 32 3f 75 00 02, 01 04 00 32 d2 08 03 04 02, 01 04 00 32 00 36 00 02
python -m divoom_protocol_test
python -m divoom_image_test
- pybluez (bluetooth connection) you probably need to install other things: sudo apt-get install libboost-python-dev libboost-thread-dev libbluetooth-dev libglib2.0-dev
- pillow (python image processing)
python show-time.py 01:23:45:67:89:AB
python example.py 01:23:45:67:89:AB