
Example Node.js app with Server-Sent events and WebSockets

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Server-Sent Events w/ crypto price ticks

This is a simple demonstration of Server-Sent Events & WebSockets based on a Node.js backend and a HTML/JS frontend.

Server-Sent events (SSE) is a specification for implementing server-side push events to web frontend applications, through plain-old HTTP.

This is best contrasted with WebSockets, which offer a full-duplex messaging channel over a custom protocol, operating within a single TCP connection w/ an HTTP-compatible handshake.


clone the project and perform the following commands

npm install 
node server.js

Trying out the demo

Navigate to http://localhost:8000 and watch crypto rise 🚀🚀🚀

Demo application

On this page you have the opportunity to switch between SSE and WebSockets for ticker events. It will do the same thing, but with the two different technologies.

  • for SSE the client opens a connection to /events endpoint, which the server keeps open
  • for WebSockets, a connection to http://localhost:40510 is used

SSE vs WebSockets

Advantages of SSE:

  • Transported over simple HTTP instead of a custom protocol
  • Can be poly-filled with javascript to "backport" SSE to browsers that do not support it yet.
  • Built in support for re-connection and event-id
    • try restarting our Node.js server.
    • when using SSE, the tick events will work great again
    • with the switch set to WebSockets, thats not the case
  • No trouble with corporate firewalls doing packet inspection
  • Ideally used for stock ticker or browser notifications

Advantages of WebSockets:

  • Real time, two directional communication.
  • Native support in more browsers
  • Supports binary data as well
  • No connection limit
    • SSE is limited to 6 connections per browser + domain
  • Ideally used for chat applications
