
Port of the most excellent Map gem to RubyMotion

Primary LanguageRuby

MotionMap - Map for RubyMotion!

Adding a bit more sizzles to the boring ol' hashes for RubyMotion.


This is most entirely lifted from the awesome Map gem from Ara T. Howard (https://github.com/ahoward/map). Made some adaptations to make it work in the RubyMotion world, but all the heavy lifting is his.

Hence all credits and ATTA BOY! should go to Ara for some very nice work!


gem install motion-map

From the original author

the awesome ruby container you've always wanted: a string/symbol indifferent ordered hash that works in all rubies

maps are bitchin ordered hashes that are both ordered, string/symbol indifferent, and have all sorts of sweetness like recursive conversion, more robust implementation than HashWithIndifferentAccess, support for struct like (map.foo) access, and support for option/keyword access which avoids several nasty classes of errors in many ruby libraries


See docs (https://github.com/ahoward/map)

NOTE: Struct and Options functionality was pulled out for this release.


Fernand Galiana


MotionMap is released under the MIT license.


  • 0.0.1:
    • Initial drop
  • 0.0.2:
    • Bug fixes and cleanup
  • 0.0.3:
    • Mo' spring cleaning
  • 0.0.4:
    • Dealing with immutable world