
Apache module that enables you to detect spam comments before your application handler by Akismet anti-comment-spam service

Primary LanguageCApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

 * mod_akismet.c - Spam Comments Detector Module for Apache2

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  / __ `__ \/ __ \/ __  /   / __ `/ //_/ / ___/ __ `__ \/ _ \/ __/
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* Introduction

mod_akismet is Apache module that enables you to detect spam comments
before your application handler by Akismet anti-comment-spam service.
It is designed to stand in front of your Apache application handler
and allow you to check out spam comment post. If it detects spam post,
it adds spam detected flag to both apache subprocess_env and
incoming http header table with the key named "akismet_detect_spam".
Therefore, the spam detected flag can be referred by app handler or
next apache modules.

* Download


* Prerequisites

o WordPress API Key - Akismet API requires an API key which are provided
  along with accounts to WordPress.com.

  check out the url below for more information on the API key:

o libcurl - needed to compile mod_akismet

* Build and Install

1) extract files from an archive
tar zxf modakismet-<VERSION>.tar.gz
cd modakismet-<VERSION>

2) open Makefile and modify ap_basedir variable
vi Makefile

3) make and install
sudo make install

* Configuration Directives

The mod_akismet use shm and global mutex lock for caching the API Key
verfirication info, and directives on shm and lock must be specified
as per-server configuration.
However, all the other directives may be specified in anywhere like
Server, VirtualHost, Location, and so on.

Most of configurations are used for Akismet API params, therefore
better off checking out Akismet API documents as well.

o AkismetApiCacheShmFile
    Description: [required] Set filename of shm file for the API Cache.
    Syntax: AkismetApiCacheShmFile filename
    Context: server config
    Status: Extension
    Module: mod_akismet

o AkismetGlobalLockFile
    Description: [required] Set filename of global mutex.
    Syntax: AkismetGlobalLockFile filename
    Context: server config
    Status: Extension
    Module: mod_akismet

o AkismetEnabled
    Description: [required] Set "On" to enable akismet engine, "Off" to disable.
    Syntax: AkismetEnabled On/Off
    Context: server config, virtual host, directory, .htaccess
    Status: Extension
    Module: mod_akismet

o AkismetApiKey
    Description: [required] Set the wordpress API key.
    Syntax: AkismetApiKey apiKey
    Context: server config, virtual host, directory, .htaccess
    Status: Extension
    Module: mod_akismet

o AkismetBlogURL
    Description:  [required] Set the front page or home URL of your blog or wiki, etc.
    Syntax: AkismetBlogURL blogURL
    Context: server config, virtual host, directory, .htaccess
    Status: Extension
    Module: mod_akismet

o AkismetCommentParamKey
    Description: [required] Set the param key name of the submitted comment.
    Syntax: AkismetCommentParamKey paramKeyName
    Context: server config, virtual host, directory, .htaccess
    Status: Extension
    Module: mod_akismet

o AkismetCommentAuthorParamKey
    Description: [optional] Set the param key name of the submitted name with the comment.
    Syntax: AkismetCommentAuthorParamKey paramKeyName
    Context: server config, virtual host, directory, .htaccess
    Status: Extension
    Module: mod_akismet

o AkismetCommentAuthorEmailParamKey
    Description: [optional] Set the param key name of submitted email address.
    Syntax: AkismetCommentAuthorEmailParamKey paramKeyName
    Context: server config, virtual host, directory, .htaccess
    Status: Extension
    Module: mod_akismet

o AkismetCommentAuthorURLParamKey
    Description: [optional] Set the param key name of the commenter URL.
    Syntax: AkismetCommentAuthorURLParamKey paramKeyName
    Context: server config, virtual host, directory, .htaccess
    Status: Extension
    Module: mod_akismet

o AkismetCommentPermalinkParamKey
    Description: [optional] Set the param key name of the permalink of the entry the comment was submitted to.
    Syntax: AkismetCommentPermalinkParamKey paramKeyName
    Context: server config, virtual host, directory, .htaccess
    Status: Extension
    Module: mod_akismet

* Sample Configuration

1) load module
LoadModule akismet_module modules/mod_akismet.so

2) add shm and lock configuration directives (per-server only!)
AkismetApiCacheShmFile   "/tmp/akismet_cache.shm"
AkismetGlobalLockFile    "/tmp/akismet.lock"

3) add Akismet API configuration directives
AkismetEnabled                    "On"
AkismetApiKey                     "fxcc21c088f2"
AkismetBlogURL                    "http://blog.yk55.com"
AkismetCommentParamKey            "comment"
AkismetCommentAuthorParamKey      "author"
AkismetCommentAuthorEmailParamKey "author_email"
AkismetCommentAuthorURLParamKey   "author_url"
AkismetCommentPermalinkParamKey   "permalink"

see also: conf/apache_akismet.conf

* More Configuration

There are some other configurations like this below. These are
things that seems no need to be dynamically configured in reloading,
therefore, statically defined.
However if need to be modified, do modify and recompile the module!

@ akismet.h
/* Akismet API's base domain to be used by mod_akismet */
#define AKISMET_API_SERVER                 "rest.akismet.com"

/* Akismet API's version to be used by mod_akismet */
#define AKISMET_API_VERSION                "1.1"

/* Akismet API's Port number */
#define AKISMET_API_PORT                   "80"

/* Akismet API's key verification method name */
#define AKISMET_API_METHOD_VERIFY_KEY      "verify-key"

/* Akismet API's spam comment check method name */
#define AKISMET_API_METHOD_COMMENT_CHECK   "comment-check"

/* The response string that Key-verification method returns if the key is valid */
#define AKISMET_API_RES_VERIFY_KEY_OK      "valid"

/* The response string that comment-check method returns if the comment is spam */

/* HTTP request timeout in milsec */
#define AKISMET_API_REQ_TIMEOUT            (100)

/* UserAgent name to be used by mod_akismet in requesting to Akismet API */
#define AKISMET_API_REQ_USERAGENT          "mod_akismet/1.0"

* Application Sample


* Authors
Yoichi Kawasaki <yokawasa@gmail.com>