
How I like my workstation to be provisioned

Primary LanguageSaltStack

  ___ ___             __
 |   Y   .--.--.-----|  |_.-----.----.
 |.  |   |  |  |     |   _|  -__|   _|
 |. / \  |___  |__|__|____|_____|__|
 |:      |_____|
 |::.|:. |        Dereckson's states
 `--- ---'        for a workstation.

This state root configuration allows to maintain workstations details like the eid in Chromium installation automatically.


States are organized in roles and units. A role is an intent like "a workstation". An unit is a set of states to deploy something like "eid".

Directories follow the roles/<role name>/<unit name> structure.


  • core: units for every machine, workstation or not
  • workstation: a dev/ssh/browser machine used as a workstation

Setup a new machine

For a master, or masterless installation:

  1. Include it in the pillar data if needed (e.g. declare a laptop)
  2. Symlink your local copy of this repository to /srv/salt
  3. Sync the custom modules (_modules/ folder): salt-call --local saltutil.sync_all


Wynter salt states aren't intended for servers but for workstations.

To get a comprehensive dev environment for remote dev servers, check https://devcentral.nasqueron.org/diffusion/OPS/ devserver role.