
Munin plugins for monitoring a Motorola Surfboard6120 Docsis3 Cable Modem

Primary LanguagePython

Munin plugin for the Motorola Surfboard 6120/6141 Cable Modem

This script uses the Munin monitoring framework to graph SNR (signal-to-noise) ratios of your SB6120/SB6141 cable modem. This script will handle the possible multiple bonded channels your cable modem can use with your ISP.

This is a fork of Jeff Forman's code.  Thank you for the original code, Jeff!

* Python
* A Motorola SB6120 Cable Modem (http://www.motorola.com/Consumers/US-EN/Consumer-Product-and-Services/Cable-Modems-and-Gateways/SURFboard-Cable-Modem-SB6120-US-EN)
* A Motorola SB6141 Cable Modem (https://www.motorola.com/us/SB6141-SURFboard-eXtreme/m-SB6141-SURFboard-eXtreme.html)

Grab source from Github repo: git://github.com/jforman/munin-surfboard6120.git

There are two options to installing the plugin:
* Copy surfboard-snr6120.py to /etc/munin/plugins.
* Create a symlink from /etc/munin/plugins to the Git checkout plugin script (surfboard6120-snr.py).

Restart munin-node.

Several iterations of the munin-cron service will need to run for graphing to start.

Example Output
jforman@monitor:~/munin-surfboard6120$ ./surfboard6120-snr.py config
graph_title SB6120 Signal to Noise (dB)
graph_vlabel dB (decibels)
graph_category network
downstreamsnr0.label Downstream Channel 215
downstreamsnr1.label Downstream Channel 213
downstreamsnr2.label Downstream Channel 214
downstreamsnr3.label Downstream Channel 216
upstreamsnr0.label Upstream Channel 3

jforman@monitor:~/munin-surfboard6120$ ./surfboard6120-snr.py
downstreamsnr0.value 39
downstreamsnr1.value 39
downstreamsnr2.value 39
downstreamsnr3.value 39
upstreamsnr0.value 42