
A contrived development environment using node.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Node Sandbox

This docker image builds and runs a node app that is compatible with yarn. I use it to easily clone and host javascript projects on my remote development environment. I use it along side with nginx/letsencrypt proxy to easily develop on this code in a cloud-based IDE.

Run it

  1. (optional) replace node source code in /sandbox (comes with the create-react-app stock app)
  2. $docker-node-sandbox> cp .env-ui.example .env-ui
  3. docker-compose up

Your app is now running on :80 of your docker host.


This setup is very barebones and lends itself to customization.

Change Port

Two things need to be edited in order to modify the port:

  1. change expose:80 to expose:{your_port} in docker-compose.yml
  2. change PORT=80 to PORT={your_port} in .env-ui

Adding/Removing Packages

  1. Make sure you have yarn installed
  2. `yarn add {package_name}
  3. docker-compose up --build --force-recreate

--build and --force-recreate ensure's you get a fresh container and build, I am looking for a better way to handle caching of node_modules, which will make adding/removing/upgrading deps more automatic

Using npm instead of yarn

Spin up node-app container with bash instead of yarn start

  1. docker-compose run node-app bash -il

In the container install and run the app

  1. npm install && npm start