
The goal of emmeansProblem is to generate a reproducible example to solve the issues within our model averaging within the emmeans package

first we load the needed r packages and the dataset


Data <- readRDS("Data.rds")

Now we fit a general model:

Model <- glmer(richness ~ aspect + elevation + 
                     initial_habitat  +
                       I(abs(year - 1)) +
                       I((year-1)^2) +
                     slope +
                     treatment:initial_habitat +
                     year:initial_habitat +
                     year:treatment + 
                     year:treatment:initial_habitat + 
                     (1 | block_no), family = poisson, data = Data, control = glmerControl(optimizer = "bobyqa", optCtrl = list(maxfun = 100000)))

And we make a model selection (skip this step since it takes a while, the “SelectRichness.rds” file is in this github)

options(na.action = "na.fail")

cl <- makeCluster(4) 

clusterEvalQ(cl, library(lme4))
#> [[1]]
#> [1] "lme4"      "Matrix"    "stats"     "graphics"  "grDevices" "utils"    
#> [7] "datasets"  "methods"   "base"     
#> [[2]]
#> [1] "lme4"      "Matrix"    "stats"     "graphics"  "grDevices" "utils"    
#> [7] "datasets"  "methods"   "base"     
#> [[3]]
#> [1] "lme4"      "Matrix"    "stats"     "graphics"  "grDevices" "utils"    
#> [7] "datasets"  "methods"   "base"     
#> [[4]]
#> [1] "lme4"      "Matrix"    "stats"     "graphics"  "grDevices" "utils"    
#> [7] "datasets"  "methods"   "base"
clusterExport(cl, "Data")

Select <- MuMIn::pdredge(Model, extra = list(R2m = function(x) r.squaredGLMM(x)[1, 1], R2c = function(x) r.squaredGLMM(x)[1, 2]),fixed = ~YEAR:Treatment, cluster = cl)


saveRDS(Select, "SelectRichness.rds")

And now we Select the best models, I will do this twice, since the outcome of the subset function will be used to show how the best model does not have issues and the averaged model from get.models which is the result I need is not working

Select <- readRDS("SelectRichness.rds")
Selected <- subset(Select, delta < 2)
SelectedList <- get.models(Select, delta < 2)

Working with the best model works

As specified above the goal is to find if the treatments do yieald differences by year 4, based on the model. So first we will show this with the best model

BestModel <- get.models(Selected, 1)[[1]]

noise.emm <- emmeans(BestModel, pairwise ~ year  + initial_habitat +  initial_habitat:year + year:treatment, at = list(year = 4), data = Data)

pairs(noise.emm, simple = "treatment") |> 
  as.data.frame() |>  dplyr::filter(p.value < 0.05) |> 
  dplyr::arrange(initial_habitat, estimate) |> 
  dplyr::select(-SE, -df, -z.ratio) |> 
contrast year initial_habitat estimate p.value
PermanentExclosure - Control 4 Forest -0.2193592 3.06e-05
PermanentExclosure - Control 4 Meadow -0.2193592 3.06e-05
PermanentExclosure - Control 4 Rangeland -0.2193592 3.06e-05

Working with the average model does not works

This does not work

AV <- model.avg(SelectedList, fit = TRUE)

noise.emm_av <- emmeans(AV, pairwise ~ year  + initial_habitat +  initial_habitat:year + year:treatment, at = list(year = 4), data = Data)

pairs(noise.emm_av, simple = "treatment") |> 
  as.data.frame() |>  dplyr::filter(p.value < 0.05) |> 
  dplyr::arrange(initial_habitat, estimate) |> 
  dplyr::select(-SE, -df, -z.ratio) |> 

Giving the following error

Error in (mth$objs[[1]])(object, trms, xlev, grid, ...) : 
  Unable to match model terms