
A beautiful approach to Neovim

Primary LanguageVim script

NeoVim Configuration

My Neovim configuration utilizes the community's packages to build a beautiful and intuitive editor.

Installation Instructions

I have only used this setup on OSX, so please submit a PR if something is different on windows.

  1. Install Neovim
  2. Install iTerm2
  3. (Optional) Install eslint with npm install eslint -g
  4. Clone this repository into your ~/.config directory. cd ~/.config && git clone https://github.com/derek-duncan/nvim.git
  5. Open iTerm.
  6. Install a patched font from Nerd Fonts to utilize icons in the editor. Run open ~/.config/nvim/fonts/Fura\ Code\ Light\ Nerd\ Font\ Complete.otf to install the included font in this repo.
  7. Open iTerm preferences and select Fura Code Light Nerd Font Complete in Profile>Text>Font.
  8. Install the_silver_searcher for ag.nvim plugin. brew install the_silver_searcher
  9. Begin Neovim. nvim
  10. Install Neovim packages. :PlugInstall
  11. Restart Neovim. :q then nvim

Useful Commands and Mappings in Neovim

  • Quickly edit the Neovim configuration.
    • <space>ev to open the configuration file.
    • <space>sv to reload the configuration file into Neovim.
  • Comment a line/lines with <space>cl (NERDCommenter).
  • Uncomment a line/lines with <space>cu (NERDCommenter).
  • Open fuzzy file search with <C-p (CTRLP).
  • Open NERDTree with <space>nt to explore the file directory (NERDTree).
