
A PyVista interface for the Geoh5 file format

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

geoh5vista: a Geoh5 <> PyVista (VTK) interface

A PyVista (and VTK) interface for the Geoh5 package (geoh5) providing Python 3D visualization and useable mesh data structures for processing datasets in the geoh5 specification.

The structure and interfaces of this project are heavily inspired by (and borrowed from) the 'omfvista' package, which provides a similar interface for the 'omf' format.

omfvista package: https://github.com/OpenGeoVis/omfvista

Geoh5 Format package: https://mirageoscience-geoh5py.readthedocs-hosted.com/en/stable/index.html

Documentation is hosted at https://github.com/derek-kinakin/geoh5vista


pip install git+https://github.com/derek-kinakin/geoh5vista.git

Questions & Support


Example Use

import pyvista as pv
import geoh5vista

project = geoh5vista.load_project('test_file.geoh5')

Once the data is loaded as a pyvista.MultiBlock dataset from geoh5vista, then that object can be directly used for interactive 3D visualization from PyVista_:


An interactive scene can be created and manipulated to create a compelling figure. First, grab the elements from the project:

# Grab a few elements of interest and plot em up!
vol = project['Block Model']
assay = project['wolfpass_WP_assay']
topo = project['Topography']
dacite = project['Dacite']

Then create a 3D scene with these spatial data and apply a filtering tool from PyVista_ to the volumetric data:

# Create a plotting window
p = pv.Plotter(notebook=False)
# Add our datasets
p.add_mesh(topo, cmap='gist_earth', opacity=0.5)
p.add_mesh(assay, color='blue', line_width=3)
p.add_mesh(dacite, color='yellow', opacity=0.6)
# Add the volumetric dataset with a thresholding tool
# Add the bounds axis
# Render the scene in a pop out window