Resource Rate Display Mod

This mod enhances the user interface of the game by displaying resource rate changes in real-time. Without this mod, the game does not show the rate of change for resources, making it difficult to track resource production and consumption effectively.



  • Displays resource rate changes for all core resources.
  • Highlights positive resource rate changes in green and negative changes in red.
  • Updates the display every second to show real-time changes.
  • Formats large numbers for better readability (e.g., 102345 becomes 102.3k).



  1. Install via the menus in Mindustry


Once the mod is installed and enabled, it will automatically start displaying resource rate changes in the core resource panel.

How It Works

The mod tracks changes in resource amounts over a specified time span (default is 1 second). It calculates the difference between the current amount and the amount from the previous time span, then updates the display with the new values.